googoutgoogout alert!

But wait, if you check out his feedback, he has none as a seller but several as a buyer, and guess who all from? Googoutgoogout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How does he continue to get away with this???? I'll bet he does not even have a dealers license which by law I am sure he has to have based on the number of cars he sells.
I believe if someone hits the Buy It Now button it stops the auction. But I don't know how that would affect the "buyers" status on ebay.
Create a bogus buyer!

The eBay listing shows it sold for $26,100 and it looks like the buyer bailed out after seeing the car and was lucky to only to lose his deposit.

Here is the buyers feedback regarding the sale:

Car was mis-represented! Seller wouldn't refund deposit.Be aware of this seller! s***2 ( 673Purple star)

Reply by googoutgoogout (Jun-24-15 10:41):
the add clearly said as is 40 year old car!!!! he bid and did not complete sale!

BMW : Other Base (#281711214204) US $26,100.00
I once bought an Audi from a licensed dealer off Ebay, took the extended warrantee. I later tried to put a claim in, only to find the aftermarket warrantee service had no record of me. The seller would get the extra money for the warantee, keep it and never send in the paper work! In those days, you could contact other Ebay buyers. This guy had done this to 5 other people. I did not go through Ebay, I went to the Attorney General's office. That seller came crawling to me asking me what he could do.

Geeze has it always been this way and we never heard about it or has the work ethic mindset of many changed? Too many such stories, I surmise we all have one.
if i was buying a car off of ebay, i would research the seller. if you put googoutgoogout into a yahoo search there are 2 links to this site on the first page of results expressing caution. one is this exact thread.

we can't say it loud enough - BUYER BEWARE of googoutgoogout
Bav, reminds me of a saying I heard; "we Americans are freedom-loving people, and nothing says freedom more than getting away with it". To be sure that's modern american thought, and even sadder on a more personal side,I asked my niece what she wanted to do when she graduated college, she said: "the least amount of work for the most amount of money". Is it any wonder........?
So Peter the question is, does she become a politician or does she work for Goldman Sachs?