I used to be ..


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Agoura Hills
a Porsche 911 guy .. And I still own 911s but I started looking around, drove a Saab 900 SPG for a while but sold it .. In other words - I made room for something else .. So I bought a 2002 tii and I absolutely love it .. Checked a beautiful 2000CS but that was not my thing .. So I looked further and now I am on the hunt for a 3.0 CSi ..

Well and steering wheels .. https://www.patipatina.com - thats me ;-)
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Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll find a nice coupe soon enough, and there's plenty of steering wheel aficionados in here to make you feel at home.
Thank you so much, really appreciate it .. Well, a 3.0 CSi is not so easy to find, at least not in a good condition for a reasonable price ..
HEYOOOOO. I daily drive a Saab 900 Turbo ;) Great cars, fun handling for a FWD. I know I'm on a BMW forum but this is a fun video if you haven't already seen it:

I bought, almost fully restored, and sold an agave 2002. But the 3.0 was always my dream. They've just been getting more and more expensive so decided to pull the trigger and aggressive look. I was lucky enough to find a good 3.0cs for a good price. In my mind, making it a great purchase :D

welcome to the forum!
Checked a beautiful 2000CS but that was not my thing ..

it is an acquired taste... :)


Having the distinct pleasure to have driven this Polaris beauty though, and hearing those triple Webers at full song, I admit they are a very stirring car.


Good luck on the hunt.

Ed Z
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I've had the distinct pleasure of driving Ed's beautiful 2000cs, and it is a different but no less satisfying driving experience than the later models.
Good luck with the hunt for your 3.0CS.
Nice steering wheel collection, I am on the hunt for a Ferrero Sandro Munari steering wheel for my Fulvia, in case you come across one. I am trying to replace the three spoke you see here with the two spoke: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HKTXQPwdZaun5U4G6
HEYOOOOO. I daily drive a Saab 900 Turbo ;) Great cars, fun handling for a FWD. I know I'm on a BMW forum but this is a fun video if you haven't already seen it:

I bought, almost fully restored, and sold an agave 2002. But the 3.0 was always my dream. They've just been getting more and more expensive so decided to pull the trigger and aggressive look. I was lucky enough to find a good 3.0cs for a good price. In my mind, making it a great purchase :D

welcome to the forum!

Hahaha .. I haven't seen the video but I love it .. Looked at it three times .. And yeah, you're right, hard to find those 3.0 but well .. And in terms of Saab - I already miss that thing .. Think I am getting another one soon to replace my daily .. ;-)
Good luck with the hunt for your 3.0CS.
Nice steering wheel collection, I am on the hunt for a Ferrero Sandro Munari steering wheel for my Fulvia, in case you come across one. I am trying to replace the three spoke you see here with the two spoke: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HKTXQPwdZaun5U4G6
I get these things offered every now and then - I'll put it on my list and get back to you when I find one!