Funny how you can bash my former car without ever seeing the car and assume it's okay to do so because you also own a coupe, but when I try to defend the truth (instead of your perception), it's a personal attack on you? It seems as if it's okay for you to lash out at me or the seller of the car, but you remain neutral on a personal level. Sorry, I call a spade a spade. It never has made sense to me why some members on this forum try their hardest to slam another members car on the forum? Aren't we all from the same family here? This doesn't happen on other forums that I frequent. I just don't see how any coupe owners benefit in the overall scheme of things when you try to devalue another member's car???? It just doesn't make sense for any of us.
Also, it is none of your business how and where I (or anyone else) advertises our coupes for sale, nor does it give you a license to flame away! Put yourself in the real world instead of trying to get away with slander on a public forum.
I would also like to see any positive input you have put on any other coupes for sale that have somehow ended up on this forum, as I assume if you would do what you have done to this car, there might be a pattern here. If I am wrong and you have put some positive spin on another member's car that has been for sale over the last year and you had something nice or positive to say about it, I may have a different outlook on what you have attempted to do here, but I somehow doubt that has ever happened.