NO RESERVE ($22K- start) Michael Douglas owned 1973 BMW 3.0CS on eBay

If this really is Michael Douglas' car, the seller is lying through his teeth about the accident history.

Michael's son all but totalled that car.
Yep my coupe. I can't prove accident history because I don't have proof of it. The previous owner of ten years did not have any proof of any major accident either. I can say after inspections this car does not appear to have been involved in anything major. I looked for this after I heard rumors. No one can show me proof or pictures. Hell all I have is a story and documentation with a guys name that happens to match a possible actor. Until he signs it or I have a picture next to the car I can be honest and say I don't have anything real. Just like the story of the major crash. I don't see any proof on this car. No location of the parts damaged. What douglas meant by almost totaled ect. Plus look at the pictures and see the under body and surrounding panels for yourself.

So in short no I'm not lying about accident history. I'm still waiting for solid documented proof and not stories.

I do have another thread for this car already not sure if we need two.

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Yep my coupe. I can't prove accident history because I don't have proof of it. The previous owner of ten years did not have any proof of any major accident either. I can say after inspections this car does not appear to have been involved in anything major. I looked for this after I heard rumors. No one can show me proof or pictures. Hell all I have is a story and documentation with a guys name that happens to match a possible actor. Until he signs it or I have a picture next to the car I can be honest and say I don't have anything real. Just like the story of the major crash. I don't see any proof on this car. No location of the parts damaged. What douglas meant by almost totaled ect. Plus look at the pictures and see the under body and surrounding panels for yourself.

So in short no I'm not lying about accident history. I'm still waiting for solid documented proof and not stories.

I do have another thread for this car already not sure if we need two.

You may want to revise your E-Bay ad since it could have been one of thousands of people named Michael Douglas yet you seem to be banking on the provenance and the extra money the name may bring. The name Michael Douglas sure does pop out in your description.
I believe the Post carried the report of the accident?

From Page Six of the NY Post:

Michael Douglas's 18-year-old son Cameron has been made a ward of the
court and sent to a drug rehab facility for 6-8 months.

Cameron was arrested last October for DUI and dragging a Secret Service
agent through downtown Santa Barbara.

He caused a three-car accident (!) and was seen trying to flee the scene
by a Secret Service agent who was in town as apart of an advance team
preparing for a vist from the President. The agent reached into the car
to turn off the ignition and take the key, and Cameron drove off, dragging
the screaming agent with him. Cameron finally stopped 4 blocks later when
he rear-ended another car. Unbelievably, no one was seriously hurt.
And the Daily Mail..
Note the stories don't agree with each other.
Hard to believe any of this....

Maybe that’s because ‘that time’ included frequent brushes with the law. In 1996, he ran into a car at a red light which, in turn, shunted into a car being driven by an off-duty Secret Service agent. When the agent tried to subdue Cameron, he drove off with the agent hanging from the car.
Four blocks later he crashed into a fountain. Cameron ended up serving four months in a juvenile prison.

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I'm not a shill for a_radu, but I'm not getting how Cameron Douglas' accidents 19 years ago relate to a_radu's coupe. Do any of the newspaper articles indicate Cameron was driving a '73 BMW?
Until someone comes up with a pic I think this is a bucket o crap story.
"In 1996, he ran into a car at a red light which, in turn, shunted into a car being driven by an off-duty Secret Service agent. When the agent tried to subdue Cameron, he drove off with the agent hanging from the car.
Four blocks later he crashed into a fountain."

^^THAT^^ is exactly what happened. Cabrillo Blvd at the end of State St., and that "fountain" is no bird bath.

Michael was furious. Hard to say which he was more upset about, his son being a screw up or his favorite car being a mangled mess. That car was his pride and joy, he bought it right after "Streets of San Francisco" started up as a treat for himself. I know this because I used to see the car all the time at my buddy's detail shop (Woody's) and I talked with Michael about it a few times there.

So, if this is indeed the same car, it has had a bit more than a little cosmetic work, it really was a mess. I wouldn't be surprised if that's hard to see at this point because Michael likely spent big $$'s to make it as close to perfect as possible. That's how he was with that car, HE took care of it, pampered it, he loved that car. But even so, however pristine it may seem now, it is definitely not exactly "accident free".

Now, you can say "I'm still waiting for solid documented proof and not stories." all you want, I lived here this whole time. I know what happened.
Bottom line though, the whole "celebrity owned" thing does nothing for me personally, but if you really can't tell this car has been wrecked (which I totally believe) then I don't see that taking away from its value at all. I would be cautious though, if I were you, to not make any claims that it has never been in an accident - for your own protection.
I honestly am not sure if its the true car. I know I have documentation with his name and a Hollywood p.o box. I also have stickers in the front windshield from the mid 80s at the fox studios. It all points to a possible celebrity owned car. I thought I was fair in stating all that I know. I just see so much of the original sound deadening and no real indication of major repairs on this car (aka welds and different style body glue ect). I think hiding the fact that It could be his car would be worse with suspected history then if I didn't disclose it.

I did reach out through social media to see if Micheal could confirm if this is his car. No response.

copied is a line from the ad. I didn't say that it was accident free just what I knew. I would feel terrible if i sold it as a "accident free car" and someone proved me wrong.

"I do not have accounts of any accident history. Previous owner informed me of one repair on the right front fender where the Emergency-brake was not engaged correctly and did the car rolled and gently slid into a nearby light post while he was in the store. This required a small repair to the right front fender and respray"
I don't doubt that is Michael's car for a second. As I mentioned before, I've seen his car up close and personal more than a few times and from the pictures you have, that's the same car. Add the other pointers and there's not much chance it could be anything but the same car.

That being established, it's also the same car that Cameron crashed, that's all I'm saying.

Good luck with the sale, even knowing the history it seems like a good value to me.
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