Here it is, have not read ad yet.
If this really is Michael Douglas' car, the seller is lying through his teeth about the accident history.
Michael's son all but totalled that car.
Yep my coupe. I can't prove accident history because I don't have proof of it. The previous owner of ten years did not have any proof of any major accident either. I can say after inspections this car does not appear to have been involved in anything major. I looked for this after I heard rumors. No one can show me proof or pictures. Hell all I have is a story and documentation with a guys name that happens to match a possible actor. Until he signs it or I have a picture next to the car I can be honest and say I don't have anything real. Just like the story of the major crash. I don't see any proof on this car. No location of the parts damaged. What douglas meant by almost totaled ect. Plus look at the pictures and see the under body and surrounding panels for yourself.
So in short no I'm not lying about accident history. I'm still waiting for solid documented proof and not stories.
I do have another thread for this car already not sure if we need two.
... it could have been one of thousands of people named Michael Douglas
Hard to say which he was more upset about, his son being a screw up or his favorite car being a mangled mess.