nurburgring record - shattered

Looking at the first photo from 72 makes you go "OOOH!"
That's a s**t in your pants scared oooh, a very fascinated oooh, a wish I could have been there to try that oooh, and a I would never have dared to try that oooh.
Not that the track is safe nowadays, but bushes and trees 1 inch outside of the white line is just silly.
Maybe way way way off topic:

Another time, another "track?"

Circa 1980, Sunset Strip, Los Angeles.

1980 Sunaet Strip.jpg

1980 Sunset Strip CU.jpg
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Super human processing to drive at that speed on that track. I would like to know how far ahead the driver is thinking and how he switches back and forth between the immediate part of the track he is on and the plan for what is upcoming.
I have to take my time just to back out of the driveway at home!
I have an AMG 63 507 and that thing scares me at times so I can't imagine what 1100 plus HP and electrically assisted instantaneous 100% torque in a 1900 lb machine is like. Add in the aerodynamics where the faster you go the more it sticks to the road and one has to respect the drivers of these machines. People say that the skills of the past are lost but this type of driving is at a whole other level.
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Just watched that again. Hard to believe someone could get through that and not screw up at 360 KMH/HR