Plastic cover for triangular window lever rod; what about to make them for the forum people ?


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Antwerp Belgium


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With great help of @deQuincey, first sample's batch of prototypes has been made and shipped back for comparison.

First impressions:
- FDM-prints (filament-based) require a lot of sanding to make item nice for painting due to the size of the part and due to non symmetric design of the part
- It is possible to keep part as is but it is not nice for us (nor @deQuincey, nor me).
- to catch proper shade of blue (in case of specific needs) but also other colors is tricky and might not be a business case at all so black should be the best way to move one with (as BMW OE)
- OE part hole diameter is far too big (no idea why) and would be nice to have it trimmed (to fit nicely). Question about tolerance of the door panel with the wooden trim.

I will be ordering SLA samples to avoid difficult sanding. Might be they would require prepping and painting.

I'm considering casting them (winter time frame) as option to keep original shape and nice surface (no need to paint)

As always it would be very interesting to know if anyone would potentially be interested in printed part rather than (in longer time frame) diecasted?

SLA parts would probably be in grayish or greenish colors and need surface preparation and paint. I could paint some black but all depends on potentially interested people from the forum.