Russo and Steele - Newport Beach 1973 3.0CS

Few more pics

Have a couple more pics if needed...if any one on here is thinking of bidding ...make sure you see it first...don't count on the description as accurate.
I spent a few days working on it a few years ago. I think the paint color was the problem. Car was solid, owner was a good guy.
The wrong color on a vintage car is a $10,000 issue in my mind.
Do your homework

I spent a few days working on it a few years ago. I think the paint color was the problem. Car was solid, owner was a good guy.
The wrong color on a vintage car is a $10,000 issue in my mind.

Since I couldn't really see in or under I could only go by what I was able to see.
No sale

Shockingly ....bidding stopped at $45k and didn't make the reserve. Can't believe some one wanted to pay $50k for that with the buyers premium and seller didn't lower the reserve.
$45K seems to be a big ask for this E9 - I suppose the seller knows what he/she is doing....if not they just missed a chance to 'take the money and run'. Not that I'm going to be a seller, but it's interesting to see what the market thinks of different coupes. From my view it's very uneven, other than the steadily rising median

I looked through some old paperwork the other day looking at a '73 Polaris coupe (VIN 224085) I bought in 2004 for $1525 off eBay out of Colorado Springs - it was a running, driving car with a 5 speed and seats newly redone in leather. Drove fine but it had extensive, terminal rust of course. After checking options for a few months I decided not to spend the large dollars to put the components into a shell - which there were some good ones still around then. I didn't have the space or time, and of course I'd love to have that car now!

Sold it to a couple of kids from NoCal who drove down to get it, I sold it for $2500 which was what I had in it. Guess they realized they got in over their heads because a couple of months later the car turns up on an well known, infamous NorCal coupe seller's website for $2500. But the nice interior had been pulled for a POS one. Shocking.
I thought the car was worth 30 in today's market.
10k more than Tom sold it for and 15k less than the last bid.
This where that second chance bid in the parking lot happens.
Just got caught to this post. I to looked at this E9 at Russo/Steele. The color and wheels were a big turnoff to me. Can't believe the guy walked from $45k. At best it is a $20k deal. For us with better than average examples we gotta love the $45k.
45k would have been a dream come true for me if I was the seller.
Just got caught to this post. I to looked at this E9 at Russo/Steele. The color and wheels were a big turnoff to me. Can't believe the guy walked from $45k. At best it is a $20k deal. For us with better than average examples we gotta love the $45k.

I am with you 100%.... I was thinking it should be in the teens but could see $20k...guy was crazy to walk from $45k with buyers premium was almost $50k...someone must have been using their drink coupons for doubles...
color and price

This thread resonates with a question I've been thinking about: How much difference in price does paint color make for E9's in otherwise comparable condition? I know color preference is an individual thing, but my theory is that the more saturated colors (Inka, Turkis, Ceylon, Verona, etc) are more distinctive than the more restrained Polaris, Fjord, Sahara, etc. and may command higher prices. What say ye?

Side note: My local BMW dealer's new car lot consists EXCLUSIVELY of black, white and silver cars.

when i was young, the first 3.0cs i saw was a wild color, perhaps turkis or agave - i don't remember exactly ... but i loved the car itself. the color that always stood out to me during that time was atlantik and nacht blau ... followed by polaris. probably because i saw those the most. i saw 2002 in inka, colorado, taiga, ceylon, verona, baikal, riviera, fjord and golf ... as well as the more usual sahara, malaga, white, sienna, atlantik, pastel blue, dark green, etc. the coupe was different ... i never saw the 70's colors other than a verona in Dallas, then i saw a bunch of CSL in the late 80's at an importer in Spring Branch, TX (Houston area) - saw an inka, fjord, polaris ...

if all things are equal, hard to accomplish, i think the medium to dark blues show the car well. verona, inka, taiga, colorado jump out and scream "look at me" and show the cars lines well. if i was looking for a different coupe, and i had a choice of any color in basically new condition ... it would be a really tough choice ... i would probably go with baikal, riviera, inka, taiga or ceylon as what i would narrow it down to.

so does a cool color make a car more valuable? probably ... but not more than 15% +/- 5% imho. but the coupe looks fabulous in so many colors ... it even is surprising in some of the more ordinary colors as sahara, sienna or some of the greens. what makes a coupe look amazing is deep polish on great / smooth paint - any color
I went through colour choice anxiety recently, ( last week ), so I had the body shop spray sample colour boards of Verona and Fjord. Verona turned out so strong that I feel when you see an E9 in this colour you will see the colour and not the car whereas Fjord, though perhaps the more conservative choice, more readily reveals the elegant lines. Everybody was encouraging me to go with 70s colours like Inca, Golf, Turkis, etc and they do look great on other people's cars, but I just couldn't commit myself.

Personally I think a non standard colour does diminish value. Just think of a choice between two cars identical in every way except that one is a non standard colour - which would you choose?
Here is Verona next to Fjord and a shot of Verona by itself, it belongs to Polaris68, my friend John. I love this color but you need to like red, I think darker colors show the lines just as well. Just too many Polaris and Fjord coupes for me.


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