Seriously considering putting this picture on the side of my building

Everyone on this site sees an e9. Everyone in town will see poodles. I think the pic
is fun and people (especially poodle owners) will snap pics.

A couple of points:

  • You have dogs on both corners of the building, which is important IMO
  • Make sure people aren’t standing in the street to snap the pic
  • May want to debadge the c-pillar (via photoshop) due to the roundel. Nobody cares that it is a BMW except for the people that already know it is a BMW.
  • Perhaps check with the city council and neighboring businesses to see what they think of the design.
How about eight photos, all of the coupe and the poodles of course, rolling over like the electronic billboards on I 95 around Philadelphia for example? Pricey, but it ups the wow factor tenfold.

You will, of course, post a video of whatever you go with.

those of us with garages close to the street, mine is not, could do something similar on the garage doors. Bet the neighbors and the zoning volk would like that. What fun.
in the video, he or she did not get the projection correct, I think it should be done so that it is correct from a point, not 2 haves stuck on 2 sides