Show your...keyring

Hi guys,

Here is mine.


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Yes a cloth like DQ's or leather wrap connected to the kaballah wheel...


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olmess looks like the cal neva frank sanatra keys
just missin the diamonds.
Stefan, I never thought much about my fob, I do like it, until your post. I will never take mine for granted(or granite as my freshmen writing students write).
Creative, personal and clever. When I learn to post photos I will put up mine. Nothing special.
Nice to see the photo with the CS Register(or was it Registry) key fob and lapel pin(how quaint) I produced two runs of, along with grille badges(Register and Registry). Offered to do a third run but didn't come close to the minimum number required. Sad.
This thread was a cyber readiness test.

Now that the election is over, Russian hackers are scouring our boards and making Pebra replicas of all keys with posted key pattern pictures.

I knew DQ would not fall for that.
This thread was a cyber readiness test.

Now that the election is over, Russian hackers are scouring our boards and making Pebra replicas of all keys with posted key pattern pictures.

I knew DQ would not fall for that.

Hahahaha, I photoshopped the numbers and where the cuts on my key are. Good luck starting my car, or any other with that key pattern. I don't post that kind of information on the web.


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seems like you could make your our duplicate w/
a few drill bits. thats all they did in oz to mine.
thats what ill do next time if needed.
Some of the old and the current.


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I got this for first e21 in 1990, when you flip it, it shows the car or the BMW logo
Great to se all your personal keyrings. Pretty much very personal as it would... :)

I do and surely a lot of you guys maybe miss the old school of leather pouch to keep sharp keys away from the phone.

I remember in early 70'th my dad had this pouch (like Sooners page 1) but with a leather strap that you could pull in the sharp keys into the leather pouch before he put it into the fragile pocket on his 100% syntethic trouser :)

I bet we have a skilled craftsman working with leather among us?
If so, why not take it further to put forward a draft?

A pouch of quality black leather with stamped "for example" forum logo, is it possible?

Thinking out loud now....

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