Someone selling repro trunk lid vinyl trim pieces on eBay

Mine are sagging. Was planning on making these but for $100 shipped (from Bulgaria?) might as well try these
I had to go back and look, it is 100 bucks and free shipping. Sounds like a good deal. I can use one once I’m out of paint.

I will need to replace the elephant skin on the wood panels, I wonder if the color match.
i am not sure that these panels are covered in elephant skin, it looks like plain vinyl. elephant skin alone from BMW or W+N for these two panels would cost you a minimum of 45 euro. ($50+), if not more.
Good find. The text is curious:
"This item is re-produced item made from plastic.
The skin is artificial and very clear and beautiful."

It almost seems that they are not vinyl wrapped wood, but possible all plastic? I'd be interested in exploring these, but think I'd prefer hearing about them after someone else purchases first. Please let me know if anyone pulls the trigger on this.
Umm...I don't think the originals were wood. I think they're some kind of fiberboard? Like peg board w/o the holes?
This outfit sells the material too, but you'll have to dye it light gray though:

teahead said:
Umm...I don't think the originals were wood. I think they're some kind of fiberboard? Like peg board w/o the holes?
Right, I guess I use the term "wood" loosely. Rather, a wood fiber based, engineered substrate/board. I guess I was thinking about the reproduction plywood door panels that are being made and applied that language to this conversation. Same idea...
Guy messaged me and shipping is $30. He's going to take a closeup picture of the material and post it
I bought 'elephant skin' from World Upholstery, didn't get around to checking color match yet
I ordered a set. Will let you know more when I receive the shipment.
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on my computer the photo looks very blue, not grey
I wonder if that is they way it looks?