Stunning 2800

For a second I thought it was my 2800. ;)

with 18 hours to go - still at 22k. still a wonderful price for an e3. i hope it goes higher for the seller ... but more importantly to raise values of other wonderful e3 in the future
Watching...just a few hours to go.
Weird al 6degrees of separation story...

I was poking around in eBay, and have been watching this car when kaching! I sold something on eBay.

Compounding serendipity is....
the guy who just this second bought from me >gm**eller<,
, also bought something from the seller of this car>1969bmw2800< over a year ago.
>>>fade in twilight zone music<<<<

A little more on topic, this certainly justifies me spending a bunch of money I don’t have on the bav. My financial embarrassment is due to being married to a lady who won’t let me sell any of my cars. Ha!

It’s a little too new for me but really great photos ....
5EE8EDF2-C78F-4E5F-B9E5-2BF1D663B6EA.jpeg F75F607A-DD19-49AC-B2A3-242283D23DE3.jpeg 425BD671-F1CA-468B-8B6A-C02117733CA5.jpeg
surely somebody (or a few) will get it going and up to 25k or just short of it. my guess has always been 24.5k
Amazing, paid almost twice as much new BMW 120d for the children.:( Think I need to immigrate.
Be careful when you see those "private listings" on Ebay. In my experience there was always Shill Bidding going on. The high bid pulled out because of that, I'm sure it was probably a shill bid.
shame that we can't see what an honest-looking, well-presented car might actually sell for without all the easily-manipulated eBay smoke and frigging mirror crap