Summer in _Phoenix

well you have a closed system with tons of known contaminants pumped into said system 24x7. A simple experiment. Go into the garage, close the door and start your car. Closed system, known contaminants and bobs your uncle. Climate denial is the same as flat earthers. In the face of all known facts, believe the opposite...
Markos, one photo reminds me of my brief stay in LA, summer of '71. My friend Alice said, "Off in the distance is the Such and Such mountain range, but we can't see it because of the smog." Recently she could not see the same range because of the smoke. Humans caused the smog. Now we have caused the smoke. It just took a longer more complicated process called climate change.
CA, NV, AZ, UT needs to invest in de-salination plants. Plenty of water; it's just salty.

Sure, that's energy intensive, but solar panels can be used. Better use of energy than mining for bitcoin.
CA, NV, AZ, UT needs to invest in de-salination plants. Plenty of water; it's just salty.

Sure, that's energy intensive, but solar panels can be used. Better use of energy than mining for bitcoin.

Not sure what they have been up to lately, but desalination has always been on AZ’s radar:

There is a desalination plant in Yuma AZ (Mexico border) that wasn’t ever put into production. Discussed in the videos above.

Yuma Plant:
How does a democratic society implement growth restrictions?

  • Population growth
  • Economic growth
  • Geographic growth

I assume geographic growth means developing land as opposed to invading neighbors, right?

Population growth combines average children per couple, and at what age they have them. Prosperity generally drives the number down and the reproduction age up, so no need for a democratic society to do the intrusive Chinese one child policy stuff. Longevity is a red-herring, it does not increase growth and between us the US life expectancy is going down, not up.

The magic number?
I am skating on thin ice here but with my wife we have been going over three vs. two children families for the people we know. Our anecdotal conclusion is that two kid siblings are more likely to exhibit problematic outcomes in our subjective view. Glad you asked, I have three kids, and we were three children...

The economic part is a two step process:
1) Convince me to run for office
2) Vote for me