the place to start is by changing the prices in the faq section of this forum - from 2007. that would do everybody a favor - except new buyers. and maybe add a new high end section
8. Price range for Coupes? (7/10/2007)
Prices for E9 coupes vary from less than $1k to more than $100k, so it can be a challenge figuring out if a coupe is priced correctly. The deciding factor is usually how solid the chassis is in regards to rust. Here's a quick reference for what to expect in the different price ranges:
$3k and below: Usually a rust bucket and considered a parts car. There are some out there that are worth keeping in this range, but they're getting really hard to find.
$3k to $6k: This price range typically has cars that may look good from a distance but show lots of problems when you start checking them out closely. Coupes are very good cars mechanically, so you'll also find cars in this range that run great but have some major rust issues.
$6k to $10k: Daily driver range. These cars are typically good looking cars and get lots of positive attention while on the road, although they still need to be inspected very carefully for rust problems. There are a good number of cars out there on the market owned by people that don't know much about them but had the money to buy one. You may find rust issues that they didn't know about or chose to ignore thinking it wasn't a big deal.
$10k to 15k: Cars in this range should be very clean overall and have few issues. Inspection might find a small crack in the dash, a split seams or two in the seats and a few imperfections in the paint, but for the most part the car should be well sorted out. There should be very little or no signs of rust problems on the car. You might also expect to see signs of rust repair in the past. If so, try to gauge how well the work was done. If the car has been repainted in the past (most have), ask how long ago the job was done. If the paint was done over three or four years prior to inspection, bad repairs would start showing problems. A fairly new paint job might not show poor rust repair work until a couple years after you buy the car.
$15k and above: Little or no problems to speak of. Some may have modifications done to the drivetrain, which if done correctly and tastefully, does not adversely affect the value of the car. In some cases it can increase value if its a popular upgrade. Keep in mind, BMW's in general are popular cars for enthusiasts to modify and the E9 coupe is no exception.
CSL's: Used to be considered a fancy CS, but now they sit in a league of their own. Within the last few years, some nicely restored CSL's have sold at auction for over $100k. Otherthan low production numbers and a racing history, they're not really that much different than a typical CS or CSi."