I bought my original carb setup from Steve Bingham. When I asked him why he was selling, he replied: "I have lung cancer, and I think a fuel injected car will be easier for my wife to use when I am gone." He didn't get to finish the fuel injection conversion; several of the Sharkfest guys jumped in to finish the car and after a brief time she sold it.
I think that happy ending arose because Bingham was fairly active with the Sharkfest guys, and because he had some time to communicate the fact that he was coming to the end of his road.
I have often thought it would be a wonderful thing if we could find a way to help families who inherit coupes and piles of coupe parts when a coupe owner dies. It would be good for the families, and good for our little corner of the car world. And if such a mechanism existed, it would help folks unsure where their cars are going in the future to make a plan.