WTB: Prop rod plastic tip

Thankyou so much Chris, I very much appreciate it.

As discussed previously, I am doing my best to build a replica of an ALPINA B2S , using the RHD 3.0 CSA, I have owned since I was 18 yo (35 years), so given it is not LHD it will be a bit of a giveaway, but I am determined to get the other visual and weight saving detail as close as possible.

Thanks again,

First, thanks for the info already in this thread, very interesting and helpful!

Anyone else missing that bracket? You might already have one right under your nose!

For prosperity…
This particular “L” bracket was lost from my CSL trunk during painting.. :/

I planned to make a new one based on pictures, but I thought it looked somehow familiar…
I realised it is the same exact bracket used inside the kick panel under the steering wheel. (Mine is 1975 LHD incase it varies)
A classic cost saving move to recycle parts off the shelf and thank you very much BMW, now I have the part already in my hand!

Held up to the Alu trunk lid the rivet holes line up exactly.

Hopefully someone else finds that useful.

Now a question, can anyone tell me the length of the trunk support rod from mount to mount?


(Sorry for the pic quality they are screenshots from a video)

Work in progress:

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