80% Humidity and nowhere to hide!

A few years ago, Garage Pointer seemed like it was going to be the VRBO for garage sharing. But it looks like it never got off the ground. That and a lack of financing or time doused my Walter Mitty aspirations for such a business. I wanted to call it, The Third Door. Seems you could make a killing in Switzerland with the rates they're charging.
A few years ago, Garage Pointer seemed like it was going to be the VRBO for garage sharing. But it looks like it never got off the ground. That and a lack of financing or time doused my Walter Mitty aspirations for such a business. I wanted to call it, The Third Door. Seems you could make a killing in Switzerland with the rates they're charging.
My coupe is in a 2 1/2 car, unheated, brick floor(vapor barrier for what it's worth) in the woods. This past summer mold appeared in the interior on the headliner, vinyl, and a few metal parts. A friend suggested Trisodium Phosphate mixed with water to a liquid consistency. Gently rubbing eliminated the mold from the headliner. I used other gentle cleaners on the other parts.

Purchasing a dehumidifier that drains to the outside soon.

Our electric bill is coming in slightly better. I have (2) dehumidifiers running, house and garage. The house is very tight, modern construction. Just received the bill yesterday, approx $90, which is average year round. That includes running the boiler pumps for heat. I'll consider us lucky. :)