Beautiful 72 on SD craigslist


3,000 would buy a rattle can paint job. Stan, you do seem to be right on target good luck in your build.
3,000 would buy a rattle can paint job. Stan, you do seem to be right on target good luck in your build.

Yeah if the rattle can cost $3K. :roll:

$3K would get you a nice respray. I don't know anyone paying $12K for a paint job unless they own a Ferrari Lusso.
I agree with your numbers Stan, I paid more than that ($12K) because once the old paint is off you will find the hole in the rockers, the bondo hidden in the nose and tail, etc. Plus as Jay noted, although a little low, chrome is easily several thousand when you include bumpers, new drip rail and windshield trim, rechrome the door chrome, polish all belt trim and all. And Chic, no one said they were dropping $30K sight unseen did they? And not everyone can totally dismantle a coupe to prep for repaint, it is a big job. Even a simple repaint always leads to just one more thing to redo or improve.
I agree with your numbers Stan, I paid more than that ($12K) because once the old paint is off you will find the hole in the rockers, the bondo hidden in the nose and tail, etc.

OK, umm once again we are working on the assumption of A PAINT JOB ONLY!!! and NOT bodywork. Understand??? You don't get to go back and fudge the numbers after the fact.
Either the car is a SOLID car and work $8K or NOT a solid car and worth $1500. If I have to put $10K in bodywork then I am not paying $8K for the body...understand? Not to mention we are getting WAY off topic here. From the few people that have actually seen this car they say it is NOT worth the money being asked....
I put the blame on... jranmann
He is the one that posted the pic of the motor bay from Carl's site..
That had nothing to do with the car that is on ebay.

Damm you

I think that is the one pic that got everyone all juiced up, only to find out that it had nothing to do with the car in question.

I think Ryan got this juiced up the word beautiful and if you just look at the car it's Beautiful! I hope he get's 30K so I can get some more cash from my wife for my project!!
P.S. Atan the mirrors are perfect, Thanks Tim.
Yes this seems to be the case. A picture worth a thousand words? I think not.

Got these photos from a friend that inquired. Here you go boys see and enjoy ..

Gentlemen I present to you the mysterious ENGINE BAY ....
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Got these photos from a friend that inquired. ...

Gentlemen I present to you the mysterious ENGINE BAY ....

Wow, the investigative power of the E9 board is amazing. We should be in charge of
homeland security. Alvin, did you use satellite or drone imagery?

Not a bad engine bay.

I don't need you telling me "Understand? Understand?" over and over. Just when I was starting to feel a little sympathy to you your arrogance and condescension has reaffirmed to me why you should just go and take your attitude somewhere else.
Chicane, may I now join you in the chorus of laughter?

that engine bay looks like mine! i.e. a driver worth no more than between $15-$20k.

I told you guys...never doubt me.


I don't need you telling me "Understand? Understand?" over and over. Just when I was starting to feel a little sympathy to you your arrogance and condescension has reaffirmed to me why you should just go and take your attitude somewhere else.

It's real simple, the gentleman was making a point based on a car that need NO BODYWORK, a solid CS. If a CS is solid and needs no bodywork I can put more into the car itself and less on paint. If the car is a heap it is vice versa. Why am I going to pay a mint for a rusty shell only to dump thousands more for paint AND bodywork?
No such thing as a simple respray on these cars unless they were already stripped previously, fixed the bondo, rusts, dents, and any other e9 pandora's box found.
It may cost you 3k for the respray...+3k to prep +3-5k properly fix rust, cut, weld...

Yeah if the rattle can cost $3K. :roll:

$3K would get you a nice respray. I don't know anyone paying $12K for a paint job unless they own a Ferrari Lusso.
How much would you sell your first born son for?
How much would you sell your wife for....well, maybe I shouldn't ask that one.
My point is that we become enamoured with our car...sometimes putting our hearts and soul into them. Add to that any fond memmories....and it would be difficult to sell.
My son is now 20...I still have this sl and I will probably pass it on to him before I ever sell

Here's a question..

How much would you sell your car for?
Stan I think your car is a fine example of a rust free/clean/3.5..coupe


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