Coupe Tools

HB Chris

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Huntington Beach, CA
This thread will document the original tools that came in the e9 as well as the e3.



The lifting head is 42mm wide, anything wider will not fit. These jacks have a small arm and use the 19mm lug wrench to raise/lower. Some have a warning in German.


This style with a longer arm may also have been used, perhaps in the final year 1975.


Jack Stowage






Toolbox (Posted as early 2800CS Euro only but trunk is obviously e3, notice larger black foam. But large pliers are post e9 style.)

Tool Box Early Rare.JPG

Toolbox (through Sep. 1974 approximately)



Blue towel available in US after Sep 1973. Spark plugs could be Beru 175/14/3 A, Bosch W 175 T 30 or Champion N 9 Y as recommended in the Owner’s Manual.

E9 Toolbox (Late, Sep 1974) and E3 3.0 Bav and 3.0S Bav (VINs noted below)

Tool Box Late 74 2.JPG

From 3.0 Bav 2101098, 3.0BavA 3281953, 3.0S 3160257, 3.0SA 3180790 (from the Orange Parts book)

3.0Si Toolbox


And listed as an option on the 2.5CS and CSA

Screwdrivers (Heyco)


Drivers 1.JPG

Drivers 2.JPG

Note for small screwdrivers:
Metal blade holder clip used through at least 1975 with knurled handle
Later version post e9 with white plastic insert which turns pink over time
Final version has a black plastic insert (not shown)

Allen Wrenches (Heyco 6, 8 and 10mm)

Allen Wrenchs 1.JPG

Spark Plug Tube and Pin

Plug Tube 1.JPG

Plug Tube 2.JPG

Note metal clip, later versions post e9 are plastic

Pin 1.JPG
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Open End and Box End Wrenches



Open end No350 and Box end No450 wrenches say No350 or No450 and do not say BMW, later post e9 wrenches say just 350 or 450 and BMW on reverse side, final version still says 350 or 450 and loses the BMW

Wrench Evolution



Early style at top (No450, W. Germany, no BMW), later post e9 (450, W Germany, BMW), New (450, Germany, no BMW)

Small and Large 9” Pliers





The large pliers do not say 300 on the handle and small pliers may not say Heyco on the handle

Other Tools


Valve adjuster, feeler gauge (0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.70mm) and small tube 10 x 11mm

Window comb/Zahnstage available from the Dealer for 2800CS and early 3.0CS with sardine can window motors (51 37 8 745 162) Photo Credit Steve Armstrong

Post e9 Tools (all pictured below are 1979 e12 tools)

Box Wrenches Late 1.JPG

Box Wrenches Late 2.JPG

Open Wrenches Late 1.JPG

Open Wrenches Late 2.JPG

Pin Late 2.JPG

Pin has step at larger end

Large Pliers Late 1.JPG

Small pliers have more curvature in handle than e9, Large pliers now say 300 and have a coarse/alligator style handle

e12 and early e24 Toolbox

Tool Box e12.JPG

No spark plugs, plug insulator, feeler gauge, valve adjuster or allen wrenches, added window motor pin and plastic adapter for sardine can window motors

Late e24 (1987) toolbox with green screwdrivers (red used thru 1983 and through 1988 on the M6)


1982 e23 733I Toolbox
(in 1984 BMW switched to Green Screwdrivers on the e23)


1983 e28 Toolbox (last year for Red Screwdrivers)


1988 e28 M5 (last year for M5 Red Screwdrivers)



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This is the jack that has been in my 72 CSI since I bought in 84. I always assumed it was original but maybe not. All I know is that I appreciate the longer handle since I have had to use it a few times over the years on the side of the road to change a flat tires.

Original small screwdriver chrome is shiny. Replacement screwdriver chrome is satin.

Original screwdriver shaft:

Replacement screwdriver shaft. Edit: this is version 2 post e9 small driver with the smooth round handle base and white blade holder insert.
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I've seen 20 small red screwdrivers, and they come in various forms. (I will add detailed pics later->Done 17may2021).
As I have no way of telling from which cars these came from I can't tell which year has which type.

Oldest seem to have the chrome blade, as mentioned in this thread before. Most have a satin chrome which is a bit textured.
1st pic shows shiny chrome (top) above 2 (later?) satin/rougher texture. Notice how the chrome also is more rounded on the tip's edges .
Chrome top vs 2 satin ones bottom.jpg

Blade tips
Flat end
Only 1 I've seen had 2 round cuts to make the flat end.
All others have a long flat shape with milling lines over them.

Moderator Edit: these have rounded handles and black inserts and are post e9 era

Cross end.
Not any difference noted, apart from the chrome being a bit more rounded on the edges due to the thicker chrome process.

Wrt colour I have seen 3 shades in total.
-middle 2 are what i call Coca-cola red. (see the below pic)
-Also an orange tinted version exists, only 2 out of 20 (right side of pic)
-most common is a darker wine red. (left side of pic)
Below picture quite well reflects the true colours.


some members may recognise their recently recieved screwdriver here :cool:

Moderator Edit: all six above are post e9 era with rounded handles bases

All 20 that I have seen have "Made in W.GERMANY" on one side (side without the 2 round ejector marks).
Other side (side with the 2 round ejector marks) says either:
- "HEYCO" and a number (i've seen 2/3/4/5 and 6) or,
- "DBGM" (in a strangely wonky alignment) or
- Nothing

The clip holding the blade can be
-metal. Very early versions, not sure which years. I've not seen one. Moderator: black metal is e9
-a white plastic clip that turns pinkish
- a black plastic clip


Here's a pic of one i have where the white part is still not Assembled (do we call that SNA instead of NOS?). The clip is just pressed in, so I think, in theory, you could pull it out.


Handle shape
- star shape near the end where the blade sticks out. Likely only early versions. I think this always combines with a metal clip. I've never seen one in real life. Moderator Edit: these are e9 screwdrivers
- Round shape, always in combination with white or black plastic clips Moderator Edit: post e9 era

Now with most of the aspects identified, it is up to the group to decide what should match to a certain build year. I'm not burning my fingers here, but:
I've noticed only that
- All 5 wine red handles I've had (the darkest of the 3 colours) is always combined with a black plastic clip.
- both DBGM handles i've seen had the middle red colour (which i called "coca-cola")

I *think* BMW switches from chrome blades to satin blades due to cost reduction, somewhere in time. Perhaps in line with changing the rear license plate panel and C-pillar trims from chrome to alu.

Over the 20 screwdrivers i've seen:
- no correlation exists between handle color and shiny chrome blade/satin blade. I found chrome blades in all 3 handle colours.
- no correlation exists between the color of the plastic clip and shiny chrome blade/satin blade. I found chrome blades in both clip colors.
- No correlation exists between the flat end screwdriver style and the handle text; the round milled end was seen on a DBGM handle, another DBGM handle had a straight milled end.

Hope this is helpful to least to my fellow-OCD-blessed friends.
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10,000 volts!! That's 10KV in the Utility sector that I've worked in for over 50 years. The 2002 gray screwdriver and the CS red screwdriver have this cast into the handle.
Anyone touching 10KV with either one of these will not enjoy the jolt for very long. But it's the amperage and not the voltage that can kill you.
I have the original 2002 tool roll and jack that have been in my trunk since I bought the car on May 31, 1972. Pics are below. The name Heyco is not on any of them. I used the jack several times before buying the NAPA floor jack in 1973. Note how it has a hex end for the lug wrench.
The red-handled screwdrivers have HEYCO in white print and cast into the handle on the long ones. The little one does not say HEYCO. Were any of these supplied in the original toolbox?


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Jacks are not Heyco but all other tools are. The BMW red screwdrivers do not say 10,000 volts. There were several version as I have stated. Small early is metal clip and fluted end, later is white/pink insert and rounded end, and lastly black insert and rounded end. Most say dbgm but I have one below that says Made in W Germany and is dark red, maybe later is a lighter red, orangish would not be correct. Early small blades chrome, later ones and those available now for a 2002 is dull. Large drivers have several versions too, chrome vanadium 1.0 x 7 is engraved in the blade, much later ones are on the handle and are white. My examples come from documented original coupes through 1974 build dates or my 1970 2800.

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Post a pic of the black one
Here's a white and black plastic clip version. Markings are similar. Black one has a "3" next to HEYCO, white has a "6". Else, the moulding appears to be similar.
20210517-red white black 1.jpg
20210517-red white black 2.jpg
20210517-red white black 3.jpg
20210517-red white black 4.jpg
20210517-red white black 5.jpg

Moderator Edit: These are post e9 era but perfectly acceptable in your toolkit. These are the satin blades and rounded handles.
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I'm not sure if the cars for US market were all equipped with the bigger tool box, but many of EU E9's and E3's had small tool box with the tool being similar (the same?) as for other BMWs which includes grey screwdriver.

I'm sure about that being able to find such a tool box in original (untouched) E9 with small tool tray and grey screwdriver with "Made in W.Germany" on one side and "DBGM" on the other.

If that is the reality (tbc), shouldn't such a configuration be officially placed here on the "Coupe Tools" thread?
I would add the 2.5CS small toolkit. All e3 and e9 to my knowledge had the big toolkit according to the parts book. CSLs had a tool roll with 2002 style tools with grey screwdriver unless if is a City Pack. Yours are the first I’ve ever seen with the 3 and 6 and black insert.
Notice how the head of the "Heyco" printed pliers (Image below, most right one) has sides that are conical.
All images of pliers or toolboxes show small pliers with a short parallel section first; the conical section starts higher up.

pics origins below are, left to right:
Bluemax , @adawil2002 NOS toolset-still-in-bag, @HBChris, Ebay random image and said "Heyco" printed pliers.

compare head shape with these toolboxes:

from the ~12 small pliers that i have seen sofar all carry the same diamond pattern on the outside of the grips. 2 have "HEYCO 1200" written on one outside. 9 had nothing written on them. 1 had only "Heyco" on the side.

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‘72 E3 - My Jack handle looks different than the others posted. There are two bolts coming-up from trunk floor. One for the Jack and one for? Also, the tip on the long screw driver has a pattern at the tip, different than above. But, those may have all been short handled. Lastly, there was also a 17mm BMW lug wrench in the trunk, just floating. don’t see a proper place, unless it’s supposed to be held down near second bolt stu—out. For another car? My 19mm was under the Jack and looks like the one Chris has.

Moderator Edit: This is an e3 jack also used in the e12 and perhaps but won’t work with the e9. 17mm lug wrenches are e12 and later.


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..... Also, the tip on the long screw driver has a pattern at the tip, different than above. But, those may have all been short handled....

View attachment 119436
I think your red handled screwdriver is correct. I've seen (on this forum) some examples with similar tip styles. On this forum are images of 7 different versions of the long red screwdriver. indeed all the images i posted above are from small screwdrivers.
Here's what was in my car; it has a shape that corresponds to the one in Adawill's NOS toolset & other various one's i've seen. It also matches 100% the pic in this thread: (the pliers in the partial set for 100USD)

Later pliers often have:
- no markings on them,
- miss the 4 bevelled sides on the head.
- sometimes have a wire cutter on both sides.
- do not have a chromed, shiny head as the early style, but a more rough, flat, milled surface

I'm not there yet in my research to conclude what belonged where and during which build years, but I come to think that pliers with wire cutters on the side are for later cars only (E12 and onwards).

One thing that i am not yet clear on is the shape of the legs of the pliers. The legs of some pliers have a continuous curve, whereas in mine & Adawills early style pliers, the ends of the legs turn a bit outwards again, making it a compound curve. Curiously, in the post from HBChris that i linked above, 2 pliers are depicted, with both nicely shiny chormed heads, but with different leg shapes. (not sure if both had text @HB Chris; would you remember?) I'll post a comparitive pic later, as i have 2 versions myself.
Also curious to know what shape is in the foam of the tray; does that perhaps show the compound curve? )

Edit by HB Chris: the e9 pliers do have the outward curve at the end of the handle which matches the form in the tool tray.
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Small pliers: I've identified 3 different models.

First picture, call it version 1, is marked with "1200 HEYCO". It came with my may 73 swiss delivered car. It seems to be chromed; from the mirror-like smoothness, the color and the flakes that are falling off.... The handle has a pattern with rhombus shapes, set under ~30 degrees (diamonds, having 2 smaller and 2 larger angles). The other 2 pliers have a pattern with squares set at 45 Degrees.
The head is only partially ground; 4 corners still have a rough cast surface. When looking at the pliers on the tip end, the shape is not rectangle but it's 4 corners have a internal rounded corner.
No wire cutters on the head-hinge.
The transition between the head and the handles is given by a change of rough casting to smooth ground surface. This line is straight, whereas in the other 2 pliers this transition makes a V-shape.
The handle ends turn outward a little; the other 2 versions have handles that follow a single large curvature.
I have zero confidence that anything is original to my car as I have zero history, but it does match the larger pliers in pattern design and chrome plating.
End to end length is xxx mm (will update later)

Second picture set is from a pliers marked "HEYCO" that I purchased it off Ebay. I'm calling it version 2 here. It also has on each leg of the pliers a small letter; one side is an "N". The other side, really small, could be an "H" or "M". The head is also ground flat, but not mirror smooth compared to version 1. as some grinding lines are still visible. It is chrome colored, and the sides of the head are chamfered; ground smooth at 45 degrees. the head-hinge has no wire cutters. The pattern has a pattern, but now with small squares under 45 degrees angle. It has a double line at both ends of the pattern.
End to end length is xxx mm (will update later)

Third picture set is of a version that I have seen, and sold, a few off lately. It has no marking with letters. let's call it version 3. The color is just a tad more yellowish, and looks to me to be nickel plated, just like the 19 mm lug nut wrench. The head in ground on all sides, but it has no chamfered sides.
There are 4 small notches just next to the hinge, which act like wire cutters.
All in all, this 3rd version seem to be a cheaper version, so possibly from later E3/E9 models, possibly also from post e3/9 era.
End to end length is xxx mm (will update later)

I've numbered the versions 1/2/3 in the way that i guessthey were produced chronologically; version 1 with first e3/e9, possibly 2000cs, expensive chrome treatment, a lot of manual grinding. Version 2 with most e3/9's; chrome, but less detailed. Version 3 i am not sure if they belong to e3/9's, but they do fit nicely in the tool tray and fill up that empty space quite effectively; cheaper due to simpler manufacturing proccess & cheaper nickel plating process.

I can not state for sure if any version should, or should not belong exclusively to e3/e9/e10/e12 etc, so this is just to document the versions and guestimates from myself.
Secondly, i plan to fit each version in the tool tray to see if the handle shaped (single curve/double curve from version 1) fit better; giving a possible indication of the version that belongs to e3/9's. (will update later)


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I can confirm the spark plug tool and pin.

Although my spark plug tool does have the metal clip inside, it has no markings on the outside.


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Another observation on the treatment of the tools: I have 3 ring spanners sized 17-19, and they are distinctly different.

One came from my car, and 2 came from a large bunch of tools that I have been selling lately.

What I notice is that there is also a color difference between these; my 17-19 ring spanner has a blueish chrome color, where the two other are more yellowish,
possibly nickel plated (like the small pliers shown above).

The color difference in these 3 spanners also corresponds to the presence/absence of the "No" before the "450". Is this just a coincidence, or would this be indicative for the change over moment going from chrome plating vs nickel plating?
Were there any members that recollected when the "No" disappeared from the spanners and wrenches? If so, then we may know if the yellow (nickel plated?) Tools are e3/9 era or post e3/9.

Another difference is the size of the letters, in length, height and space between the letters.
Total length of the "CHROM - VANADIUM" : 50, 43 and 34 mm.
The other side is almost identical, apart from the presence/ absence of the "No"

Moderator Edit: Version 1with the No. before the 350/450 is e9 era, when the No disappeared BMW was added (these are in my one owner 1979 e12), lastly the BMW was dropped.


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