Never thought about guttesr, half-round or otherwise. But now that you point them out I want them. Industrial strength look.This is progressing well!
Colorado Springs gets 5-10"s of snow. Winter closing in for some of you.
Never thought about guttesr, half-round or otherwise. But now that you point them out I want them. Industrial strength look.This is progressing well!
You can also see the fascia work is nearly complete on the main roof, and the half-round gutters are installed (albeit a little wonky). I'll need to get up there and tweak their position a bit... The half-rounds were an indulgence on my part. They are terribly more expensive than standard "K" gutters - which I can' stand. I'd put the half-rounds on the house and wanted to carry that detail through on the garage. I just learned that the custom colored, prefinished siding will not be delivered until November 5. The things I choose to upgrade...
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In fact, the whole garage project is horribly over budget already.My own fault, as I keep adding scope. But I think we're settling down now (finally?).
I would love your floor on my slab and grade first floor. The slab is covered with French Quarry Tile. But that is so 70s, when the house was built.Quick update - I stopped at home a few times yesterday. Rather, I ran into the office a few times, and worked from home most of the day - although I tried to limit my presence out in the garage to as little as possible. By 10am they were almost finished re-grading the gravel base course - it was looking good. At noon I brought the crew $74 worth of pizza and beverages. I think this bought us at least $95 or $100 worth of value.The concrete trucks arrived at about 3:30. It was a little cooler in the afternoon and evening, and the crew didn't order any special admixtures for the concrete to accelerate its setup. I am happy for this, as a slow cure typically results in a better result. But the crew was there until about 9:30pm smoothing out the slab. This morning, I have to say it looks REALLY good. They only poured half of the slab - they told me they can't do it all at once because their crew is too small. The second half is scheduled to pour at 2pm today. If the rest of it looks as good as the first pour, it will be a very good weekend!
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Feel free to send his contact info over, Steve.He shuffled some papers and announced, "you have a credit, I am having a new washer dryer delivered next week."
You all like to spend my money, don't you.someone mentioned skylights, I am sure you are familiar with solar tubes or whatever they are called
I didn't think much of the idea until I saw them in a friend's house, they work quite well
Hi Gary, THANKS!Stephen,
I'm sure this is obvious, but at the risk of TMI, be sure you don't put a light fixture above the place where the hood will be raised on the car (great on the sides/front of that area, however). Also, don't put any fixtures above the area where the top of the car(s) will be when on the hoist. Without the risk of hitting fixtures, you can raise the vehicles higher. These were a couple of things I did get right!!
Create a construction division. Migraine time. Step away from that idea and delete.Rant received.
What I did not mention above is that, after a few meetings in the morning, I spent the day yesterday putting my carpenter hat on. The crew is insulating today, and I needed to add some blocking in the walls for things that will be attached later. While doing so, I discovered that they'd installed other blocking incorrectly - so I fixed that. Then I noticed that there were more than a few locations where the exterior sheathing (plywood) wasn't nailed to the studs! There were rows of nails that "missed' the studs and I could push on the walls to a gain of a good 1/4" of flex. Honestly, I don't know how any of our projects get built - we don't typically spend this kind of time inspecting every nail. I am a little angry that I "had to" fix these things myself. Yet, I am honestly pleased that I am building the garage - hands on - in many respects. So I have that. The day concluded with a chat with the builder about some "extras" that the concrete guys want to charge. Fortunately, I have photos and records of everything they are claiming and can push back significantly on these items. But unfortunately, this type of friction on my small time builder probably causes a lot of stress on their business - and I don't want that to be reflected on the remainder of this garage build.
We've talked about building our own projects - creating a construction division. While I love that idea, I am sure it would have more headaches than I am interested in.