Rear Ender

hey there! late to the gate....
pm returned.
I had a look at the pic of your trunk lid i couldn’t make out clearly what that is on the lid...glue residue? It kind of looked like the residue left on the inside of a hood when the insulation comes off and from the pic it looks ICBC collector folks just require a clean up of trunk?
I did have a look at a couple of my trunk lid covers.
They are extremely brittle. Just looking at them caused a few cracks. When it warms up I hope to at least make a pattern for the elephant hide. I wonder if anyone has just made a trunk lid lining sans tools?
Also working to clean up all those tools, repair the boxes, add blue cloths, find the feeler gauges, finish the tool rolls, and generally make sure they are complete.

i was going to post some pics of my trunk liner but having system errors.
I see Carl Nelson sells elephant hide that may be correct?
Second that!!!! Whaaaaaaaaaaat??????? Don't post that in For Sale, your email will blow up.....LOL

Sorry, thread jack! I am progressing slowly and still trying to sort which tools are from which box. Basically still trying to match conditions of wrenches. Most of those tools were all glommed together in a box. So once they are all sorted and complete I will figure out surplus.