The end is near....SCOTTeVEST's Baby

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Today's Update:

Getting closer....but not close enough. Here's the video, if you want to watch.

But basically, here's the summary:
  • have extra parts and rubber not used. Ordered too much without looking apparently.... I will list out the part numbers. I am hoping I can return to W&N or give away/sell on forum.
  • The plastic bolts for belt trim seem difficult to use vs. the normal bolts.
  • $190 for new screws from Carl Nelson, but seems that our screws are for most part fine. Shocked they are that much. Why? In any event, will use what we need and hopefully return remaining.
  • Can't tell what this part, see image below, is for? Any ideas? Benny doesn't know where it came from, but seems important.
  • Got another bill for $187 from the wood guy just to do the radio speaker plate. This was a surprise as he promised to everything for same as Bella would have charged including shipping. Wow. Such is life. Should have gone with @bela22 but thought time was of the essence. I should have listened to all of you. Not sure how this could have cost that much. Also, my guy did not stain/varnish, etc. the wood.
  • Here are the parts that were ordered per Gary's request that apparently were not needed- a couple hundred dollars, so not the end of the world. Does anyone need these? Sucks they didn't look to see these parts were there before I ordered them...

I know we need an alignment, but not sure why or what else is required.

What are the odds I will be on the road by Wednesday of next week?


  • IMG_6041.JPG
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That part is the fuel expansion tank. It goes in the trunk compartment, on the right hand side as you are looking in the trunk (same side as the fuel filler). It tucks in behind the quarter panel. Photo of someone else's car for reference:
Here's a diagram of its operation (part number 8):
expansion tank diagram.jpg

It seems a lot of folks manage to remove this from the assembly. I do not know what is involved with that modification. Hope this helps!
What is the benefit to removing it? Is it necessary?
I wish I had a more comprehensive answer for you. I think it has to do with the overall fuel delivery system - if you use the stock/original pump, canister, carbs and/or injection, ect, this component is a necessary part of that system's success (breathing properly). I can tell you that my expansion tank is currently removed, and the car smells of gasoline all the time. I believe this is because this vapor evaporation tank (and also my charcoal canister) have been removed so the fuel vapors have no where to go but into my trunk/garage.
Only if it's all hooked up correctly which includes the plastic line through the passenger compartment so check that if you want to keep it. I bypassed mine out the trunk floor.

Don’t remove it, it draws gas fumes from the gas tank into the carbs.
There were some other minor goodies in that box of parts that guy was throwing in the ground. For example, if you strip out the gears in a window motor assembly, maybe youmllwish you saved you old window regulator gearboxes. Worst case, drag it all to CA and give it to HBChris or SFDon.
There were some other minor goodies in that box of parts that guy was throwing in the ground. For example, if you strip out the gears in a window motor assembly, maybe youmllwish you saved you old window regulator gearboxes. Worst case, drag it all to CA and give it to HBChris or SFDon.

That was painful for me to watch.
That was painful for me to watch.
I didn't know what you guys were referring to - I hadn't watched the most recent video. (if I added up all the time I've spent watching Scott's videos, I've probably lost days of productivity) :D But I just went back and looked at it. Oh my goodness! The right answer would have been. "I want it all. Don't toss, bend, or mutilate these parts any further, Benny." When he just bent that trim in half and tossed it in the box I almost threw up. :eek:
The only thing of value being thrown out was old slow window motors -some of which aren't working, used brake rotors, 74 bumper parts, and the rain gutters benny destroyed. I was surprised he did that but they were "relatively" inexpensive. I had a taker for the bumper rubber. I will go back today and ensure nothing else of value is in the box. If you want something, let me know and I'll ship to you.

Sorry about all the lost time watching my videos.....
I enjoy watching the videos. :D Keep 'em coming.

I guess I am distraught for two reasons. First, I am shocked that the shop would exhibit such disregard (or disrespect) for the car/parts right in front of their customer (and all of us on the other end of that video in this case). That, and if there is one thing this forum has conveyed is that a lot of parts are NLA; others are scarce and about to be NLA, and some that are available but they have outrageous cost/value because they are hard to find. While some of those parts may be currently available, that might not be true in a year. Seems there are a few folks on here that would covet something in that box (or at least be happy to put it on a shelf for a rainy day).

Now I am starting to sound like a hoarder. :oops:
I enjoy watching the videos. :D Keep 'em coming.

I guess I am distraught for two reasons. First, I am shocked that the shop would exhibit such disregard (or disrespect) for the car/parts right in front of their customer (and all of us on the other end of that video in this case). That, and if there is one thing this forum has conveyed is that a lot of parts are NLA; others are scarce and about to be NLA, and some that are available but they have outrageous cost/value because they are hard to find. While some of those parts may be currently available, that might not be true in a year. Seems there are a few folks on here that would covet something in that box (or at least be happy to put it on a shelf for a rainy day).

Now I am starting to sound like a hoarder. :oops:
That’s why I recorded the vid so you guys could tell me what’s worth keeping
Drip rail bright trim: this stuff is hard to remove in a manner that allows reuse. I’ve done it before as a poor grad student. Unless yours was in primo condition you did right to replace with new. Don’t beat yourself up over this. Focus on the stunning car you are getting back. You can bet the valet will be parking your car out front next to the new Bentley at the Fairmont.
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