The Vintage May 19-21 2017 in Asheville NC

I plan on driving to the Foundation from atlanta friday am then hopefully we can tour/convoy up to Asheville after, perhaps lunch en masse at a craft brewery or such. Then roll into the hotel for wash/detail/cocktail hour.

It's a 3 day BMW party, be sure to pace yourself with the libations. Friday is also registration.
TodB, You can bring your beads, but I think the only thing flashing at the Vintage will be headlights... er, make that high beams.
Anyone have a room at the Clarion they will be cancelling or know of one? Last year was a bust for me with the rain and staying miles away, it kind of sucked... Thinking that I'd go but only if I can a room there. I called them up today and they didn't even answer the phone...
Anyone have a room at the Clarion they will be cancelling or know of one? Last year was a bust for me with the rain and staying miles away, it kind of sucked... Thinking that I'd go but only if I can a room there. I called them up today and they didn't even answer the phone...
Haven't seen any rooms open up yet, sure there will be some coming available soon.
I am planning on leaving Atlanta friday am and arriving at the BMW event around 10 am when it opens, then taking some back roads from there to Asheville, does anyone have any suggestions on which of the 2 suggested routes (or others?) to take based on this google maps link? Want as scenic as possible and am thinking it will be about a 2 hour drive to the hotels. Convoy?!1d-82.605649!2d35.534227!2m1!1b1!3e0?hl=en
Steve, Amy and Wayne Lester are doing the tour route this year. Last year there was a great route from The Foundation to Fletcher where the hotels are. Not sure where their tour starts this year. Could be to and from the Foundation.
Like others, I'm starting to get my act together and plan my drive. I sure would like to have a wingman to drive with as this is my first time on a road trip in this new-to-me part of the country. Anyone driving up from Florida? IF not, I may connect with Steve in Atlanta though that's a bit out of my way.
DWMBMW is driving up from FL

Like others, I'm starting to get my act together and plan my drive. I sure would like to have a wingman to drive with as this is my first time on a road trip in this new-to-me part of the country. Anyone driving up from Florida? IF not, I may connect with Steve in Atlanta though that's a bit out of my way.
I will be driving back to FL on the way home but on the way up, I am going to drive from Miami to Orlando and then take the Auto Train up to DC and join a group drive down to Ashville.

According to the Vintage site there is a winery around the Lake Lure area, perhaps a back road jaunt through there on the way from Foundation to Asheville. Something to consider as i am goimg to get as much back road time in as possible while on this excursion.
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Steve -- I think you should burn on up to Virginia, visit your child in college (do you still have a kid in school in VA?), then join us out near Dulles Airport on Wed evening for a BBQ, then cruise on down to the Vintage through VA with us on TH. This would add to your road jaunt factor nicely.

Or you could cruise to Asheville and join us that afternoon at the beautiful home we have rented and have a cold and refreshing beer.

Would like to but my latest schedule has me arriving in Asheville Thursday in time for happy hour. I have a business meeting north of Atlanta thurs am (as I roll up in my coupe-that ought to be interesting) so I will see you all then. Asheville dinner somewhere Thursday and/or Friday, Sat night for e9'ers/forum members? My kids are out of UVA and now in the real world!
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