If those bleeders are pointed down, they will never ever ever bleed...ever. Must face up to allow air to go through the path to outside land. Have you ever bled brakes before? If not, understand that it's not always as easy as, 'follow directions and it's done'. There are a handful of things to be aware of happening that may not allow a proper bleed. Small air bubble in the line somewhere...master with an air bubble...improper technique in bleeding that allows air to suck back in, if you're doing the helper method of slow push pedal/release screw for a bit/tighten screw/release pedal/repeat. Also being aware of the fluid level in the res. If it gets too low during the bleed, you'll suck air right in the lines from above..and that's a start over...

But definitely check those bleeders! I swapped them on an 02 in my early years and I almost flipped the car over with my bare hands, out of frustration...then I took a breath and looked at it and saw it immediately..."oh...calipers are swapped...". switched and bled in a few minutes after that.. Sometimes it's the obvious stuff that trips you up..lol.
Edit: See the pic..caliper is on the wrong side...unless the car is upside down..;-). Top bleeder HAS to be highest spot of fluid in the caliper, otherwise air will never leave.
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