These projects are fun, let's keep them coming! For me, entering the busy season with my beehives, mites to check, feeding, preparing for the wasp attacks on so on. But also have had time to "freshen" my Healey. Every year, on The Queen's birthday, (21 May) there is a large British car meet in a botanical garden in Vancouver. Cancelled for this year of course, but it is always a date to shoot for while trying to complete repairs and detail those areas that have been neglected. Met my goal, so now I am finally undertaking the long-awaited renovation of my 1967 Airstream Overlander Land Yacht! Had it for many, many years, it has served the family well, and is now but a lawn ornament, but I have embarked upon its recreation into our retirement home. We see now that nursing homes may not be for us, so we have begun the adaptation into a nice small home for the two of us. Hey, there is room here on the farm!