what mechanical works are you doing now that you are locked in your house

Great thread!
And some excellent work

CSL now operates on a single key, have rejigged the lock tumblers. I forget how long that has been on the to-list. Also fettled the passengers door handle mech so it no longer touches the window glass.

Restored the B12's memory mirror function, a minor irritation
And replaced one brake calliper, due to a broken bleed nipple (not me), and flushed the brake fluid through.
About to tackle some crusty wheel arch steel

My golf got some new gearbox oil

Even my daughters bike had a brake rebuild

More to come...
Making some improvements on, Veronika, our 1968 1600 Cabriolet. Refreshed the instrument cluster, added a front Tii sway-bar, replaced the incorrect washer fluid reservoir, touched up paint chips & polished the bumpers.

Since purchasing her in September 2019, we've replaced the top, reupholstered the seats, replaced the chrome dash panels, cleaned up wiring, replaced the clutch & 3 flex discs, rebuilt the brakes, replaced the water pump, replaced all fluids, replaced all the rubber from hoses to tires to transmission seals, reinstalled the cold weather pre-heat box, bellows & corrugated exhaust tube, cleaned & repainted the radiator, replaced the worn out suspension with new Sachs all around. It's basically a new car now.

Front Seats Installed.jpg
@adawil2002 you need to POR 15 the inside of that bumper!
I have spent my time scouring the internet for E30 parts for my cabriolet project. Finding a lot but not the cabriolet specific mud flaps
Not in the house, but making noise and dust in the driveway. Started refurbishing my old go kart trailer. It originally had a two story cabin on it and was towed behind my Corrado.... Back when I raced Go Karts 20 plus years ago. . It's now going to be a flatbed motorbike trailer with a ramp stowed underneath.


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Since I had my fountain apart to do my fence, I gave it a good once over. Disassembled the pump and cleaned. Converted all the plumbing to copper. Should be much easier to tear apart for annual cleanings going forward.

Dry fit.

Done! I have mint that grows under the climbing hydrangea so I put in a barrier. Mint grows fast and this should keep it away from the fountain.

I keep the pump on the lowest possible setting to reduce evaporation.
Since I had my fountain apart to do my fence, I gave it a good once over. Disassembled the pump and cleaned. Converted all the plumbing to copper. Should be much easier to tear apart for annual cleanings going forward.

Dry fit.
View attachment 90681

Done! I have mint that grows under the climbing hydrangea so I put in a barrier. Mint grows fast and this should keep it away from the fountain.
View attachment 90682

I keep the pump on the lowest possible setting to reduce evaporation.
Really cool :D
Rented an Ozone generator off a guy for $25. Going to give my home garage a big dose of it tonight on the hunch that I have bad stuff growing in there. It will be the spot I weld up my trailer, hopefully tomorrow.
Rented an Ozone generator off a guy for $25. Going to give my home garage a big dose of it tonight on the hunch that I have bad stuff growing in there. It will be the spot I weld up my trailer, hopefully tomorrow.
What are the benefits of generating ozone in the garage? And when you say “on the hunch”, does that mean there is no real proof that this works? Just curious.
Ozone kills mold and mildew smells by attacking them at the molecular level. Gets to places where you can’t with typical cleaners. I used one in a friend’s car recently.
What are the benefits of generating ozone in the garage? And when you say “on the hunch”, does that mean there is no real proof that this works? Just curious.
My Home garage has always had a river running through it. One porous below grade wall, very old cement block construction. Whenever I spend a lot of time there I have a hunch that bad air gives me some breathing issues. Add quite a bit of welding and grinding and painting to come and I will be in there a lot. I'd never leave my Coupe in there!!
Rented an Ozone generator off a guy for $25. Going to give my home garage a big dose of it tonight on the hunch that I have bad stuff growing in there. It will be the spot I weld up my trailer, hopefully tomorrow.
What are the benefits of generating ozone in the garage? And when you say “on the hunch”, does that mean there is no real proof that this works? Just curious.
Ozone kills mold and mildew smells by attacking them at the molecular level. Gets to places where you can’t with typical cleaners. I used one in a friend’s car recently.

also curious on this,

first could you tell the gr/hour that your friend ‘s device puts out ?
i have found 28 gr/hour apparatus in the ebay, but do not know if it is enough or too little

i found some peculiar round spots on the house interior walls facing north, i can remove them using bleach but they come back in winter

also any advice on hiw to use and safety meassures will be welcome

I rented a professional ozone generator to use in a car that had been sitting for 15 years and it smelled VERY BAD inside, reeking of mold, mildew and you name it, and this was after cleaning out the car and several interior washes.
The guys I rented it from recommended to have the car outside while the generator was doing its work, or have it inside a garage if nobody would be there at the time.
The generator also had some big caution and warning signs not to be around while it's turned on, unfortunately I don't remember how powerful it was (gr/hour).

Anyway, I tried it for 1 hour first, no improvement in smell. Tried another hour, no improvement. A third hour and no improvement.
At this point it was late so I just put it in the car over night and turned it off when I woke up. At this point you could actually smell the ozone smell and not only the mold/mildew, and longterm when the ozone smell had gone away it was a slight improvement overall, but it isn't a miracle machine of any kind, in my opinion.
After some more cleaning and washing, tried a couple of "car perfumes" that "removes all odor" etc, and letting it sit outside with windows down for longer periods, it was finally close to okay, you could still smell the mold/mildew but it wasn't too bad.

And another thing, after leaving the generator on for the night, it did leave a thin layer of "film" on everything that was quite hard to remove, especially the windows was difficult to get clean.

My $0.02
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Very interesting, Robert.
Did you try some of the more "tried and true" methods like spraying bleach?

No, not bleach but tried some vinegar, both sprayed it and left a larger amount to sit for a while in an open can, hard to tell if it worked at all in this case. I had high hopes for the ozone generator but I was kinda dissapointed. Probably/hopefully works better in milder cases, but I wouldn't spend the money to rent one again.
also curious on this,

first could you tell the gr/hour that your friend ‘s device puts out ?
i have found 28 gr/hour apparatus in the ebay, but do not know if it is enough or too little

i found some peculiar round spots on the house interior walls facing north, i can remove them using bleach but they come back in winter

also any advice on hiw to use and safety meassures will be welcome

The device looks very similar to the one in your photo. All it says is Made in China, so it must be deadly! Don't know the output. One thing for certain, this thing cranks out an odor (Ozone) that smells like it does you harm. I put it in my garage and closed the door. Did 2 2 hour sessions. When I opened the door in the morning it still reeked of this Ozone. It was extremely windy today so it aired out quickly and does smell like nothing now. I also tried it in our basement bathroom. There is a small cupboard under the sink that has some Black stuff growing on the wallboard. This is a small room. I closed the door and turned it on. About ten minutes later I could smell it on the first floor, so I sealed the door bottom with a towel. A few minutes later , it still smelled strong, so I abandoned this procedure and turned the kitchen and basement fans on. The dog, asleep on the second floor looked a little off, (So don't want to hurt my old Canary)
This afternoon I took it to my workshop and opened fire. I know in the Spring I have had a couple of blooms of mold on both the Coupe and more my 2002, which sits in a colder part of the garage. In the past this mold was easily dispatched with Vinegar on a rag. I'm going up there in a few minutes to pick up the generator and get it out of my life..... Just noticed it puts out 4 grams of ozone per hour
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