Andrew Wilson's '73 CSi

I rebuilt my ignition lock cylinder out of desperation...I don't think there is a replacement available for the earlier cars. Wasn't difficult, but you must go carefully.

cylinder apart II.jpg

Thanks, Andrew. As I say, I was down to no other choices. The cylinder was locked up and I was completely stuck. I cleaned it and got it freed up, but then it locked up again, so there was something inside that was out-of-whack. I removed the backside and then all the wafers in specific order, then de-burred all the working surfaces with gunsmith files. It works smoothly now.

I would not recommend this if new replacement cylinders are available. Perhaps you could tear your old one apart, just for grins...

I Lost my keys and the cylinder had damage to it, I opted to order a new switch and cylender with matching keys.

The cylinder moves/slides in the housing about 3/8 to a 1/2 inch but it won't move any further. Coming up on a hard stop.

I may have to destroy the cylinder to remove it, but not before the new one arrives from CSI.

Received word from VSR that the ignition tumbler is the short style and will not work on my car. The search is on for the longer style. May have to go the Zinz route and rebuilt it or find a good used one.