Andrew Wilson's '73 CSi

At the Vintage at Saratoga in the host hotel parking lot Saturday evening as I was showing and talking about Athena. Lawrence Charlemagne came over and said "I believe I know this car, If it is the car I think it is, it belonged to Noel DeGaetano." So when I got home I checked the old paperwork I have and...sure enough it IS the same car...mind sufficiently blown.


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Cool story, one of my previous owners was Suzanne DeKupyer, heiress of the DeKuyper distillery in Netherlands. Found her old insurance card in the car also, and there was another owner after her!

At the Vintage at Saratoga in the host hotel parking lot Saturday evening as I was showing and talking about Athena. Lawrence Charlemagne came over and said "I believe I know this car, If it is the car I think it is, it belonged to Noel DeGaetano." So when I got home I checked the old paperwork I have and...sure enough it IS the same car...mind sufficiently blown.
Restored Athena's tail light reflectors with aluminum tape today. It's a simple enough project that offers big results fast.

Learned yesterday from Stan that my tail lights were very dim. He recommended putting aluminum tape on the reflectors to make the lights brighter, he even gave me a roll of tape.

As it turned out my driver side reflectors looked like galvanized steel with dirty bulbs. Only my passenger side reverse light was still shiny.


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Took Athena to VSR today for her punch list before leaving for Monterey. I have driven her about 6,000 kilometers/3,729 miles since April 20th 2016. Over that time going to Larz Anderson German Car Day, the Vintage at Saratoga and the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. So the equivalent of driving from home to Monterey.

The list:
Installed trunk light bulb and cover.
Trunk seal leaks. Adjusted trunk lower to sit tighter on the trunk seal to stop water leak.
Added missing bulb to glove box.
Accessory plugs lose power when wipers are on. Re-ground accessory plugs, double check circuit and wipers. Back feed of wiper motor fixed.
Stalls on hot start, adjusted idle speed & mixture.
Fix exhaust leak, found broken weld at rear of first resonator not weldable. New one in stock fortunately.
Rear driver side window inoperable, motor doesn't seem to be getting power.
VSR tech noted oil leak and will address.
I only wish my punch list was that short. I am putting the cosmetic tweaks on the back burner for now to concentrate on the mechanical items. Hopefully to be roadworthy and reliable enough to meet up with you and the East coasters on the drive.

Punch list completed. Everything is fixed and she's ready to go after her oil change Friday August 5th. VSR replaced the rear main transmission seal under warranty, which was nice to hear.
Black and blue dot Cocomats arrived, I like easy installs.


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Where did you get them there mats? Look very nice!


They sent templates via e-mail, had them printed at Staples on a large format printer. Cut the paper patterns and checked the fit and 3 weeks later they arrived.
Athena is off for a spa day at Autowerkes Maine. Oil change, full detail and valve adjustment, she'll be good as new again after the 9,406.25 Monterey and 600 mile CT trips.
Had to replace the inner CV boots, found one of the joints needed to be replaced. Autowerks Maine was able to source a new one.
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Saw your car last week in New Canaan. Looked great then, can only imagine how it looks now.
And I replaced one of my stone chipped Marchal high beam lights. While I was in there I dropped in a pair of yellow H1 bulbs for sh!ts and giggles. I'm legal until the high beams come on, they and the driving lights are yellow. I have found the yellow beam is less stressful on the eyes.


Replaced the stone chipped fog lamp lens with a new one from the Lampen Doktor in Germany, $35.00 shipped.
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