Bmw automobilia

That could be a lead, Arde ....

E3 big format brochures.

E9 / 2800 CS early big format , general info on BMW design.

E120 big format + leaflet, E3 , E9 big format.

Already shown by L., CSL big size + british leaflet for CSl.
Only difference between the 2 csl brochure are a white strip on cover + difference of CSl color shown inside.
Price lists and color / upholstery chart

Motorsport brochures + Sport pokal '82 with nice pix of BASF M1.

Paper mat and glossy 507/503 brochure, the only one with the 2 models.

That's it,
Sorry for the discontinuity in the models as, I try to classify everything by cars or dates, but carry on finding interesting documents 30 years after, (mainly via friends in germany).
Sorry also for qualiity of pix as scans could not be made due to size and "own infrastructure" !.
Found this morning really weird "off-topic" things, (I will post)), thx to the section of the same name.
But always BMW related.

More info, just pm since it's not too big an heavy via net..
Please show some pictures of the early Motorsport Accessories brochure contents!
Awesome brochures. People seem so happy and life so rewarding in these brochures that if a genie showed up with a single wish I would ask to live in a brochure.

PM sent Strato..
Thx Arde, will try to find more pix of the fifties....with smiley faces.
Not forgetting you Ulrich..

Here is the well-known 1970s' Karmann brochure, describing all models built in their factories.
Nice pictures of "the car-you-know" (specially the last one.) I know some of you may recite the P/N of this E9 item.
Quite easy to find on the net, the catalogue has to be complete, which is rare, since it's made of leaflets and produced in the early 70s'.

A nice look on the company, which "did not invent corrosion, but perfected it"

Thx for watching !...
First time I see the Karmann folder with complete set of brochure and cards, well done!

Here some pics of an early 80's Motorsport brochure


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Thanks Lorenz for the Scans,
now I see my steering wheel (M1) and the alloy wheels as they were offered in the 1980th.
..Also transmitted to Renault and Alfa Roméo.

Thx Lorenzo, I must admit I made one complete,.. from several incomplete...
Also, great pix from those Motorsport stuff !!!..

Let's go Flate Rate Manuals ?
From up left, FRM for 1500-1600-1800-1800TI --1965
2 for 1500-1600-1800 ti tilux-2000-2000cs--1967
1800-2000-2000 tilux--1969
2500-2800-2800 cs--1970
1602-2002-touring -tii.--1972

FRM for cars from 1971 and up (french and german)--1975.

Last FRM I know (1979), with the "original BMW zubehor" -same period- a book to have ..

Defect code numbers , a book used to describe the more precisely, the defect explained by the customer or diagnosed by the workshop (through a code), in order to improve repair and avoid waiste of time (+ aftersales stats). 1986
Small booklets for torque and tightening values for every single bolt of the car (D + GB).(Those were kept very late as excellent quick access-1993)

All those blue books were used till mid-end 80ies then "computerized" and thrown to the bin, I was standing by.
More to show soon..(1965 service booklet Lorenzo...!)

More smiley faces for Arde.
An "apéritif" with 2 "1975 german self made woman" having trouble choosing their Blaupunkt (Hello DQ !)...(Sorry, the boyfriend is in the E3...).
A very nice catalogue of the range of that time...

A last look at smiling Stuck and Cheever (Motorsport icons !).

Try to find more..

As seen with Lorenzo, this german toy brand released many BMW sport cars at various scales.
They still do E9 at 1/43.
Concerning the CSl, following models were produced, as the real one was still racing, which was quite interesting for customers.
They also issued M1 (montage-kiste, RC and static models).
Again, nowadays, reproductions are everywhere, but all items are quite easy to find on the net.
(I included a Carrera variation ).

The CSL photo on the cover of the kit box is amazing.
Enjoy Retromobile in the next days, hope You'll find some more stuff. Unfortunately I'm not going this year:(
.....I'll try to.

But your Schuco 1975 hauptkatalog is a real gem ..
Thanks. Great pictures. That confirms that Blaupunkt did make matching knobs for the CS and S applications.

Is it possible to get copies of these pictures or can one download on photo bucket in a good quality?

Thanks, Tom
....indeed !

I had the opportunity to get matching knobs for my radio, when I bought my "Bamberg" CR around 1990. The supplier was "Rainer Konigs" radio-Klassiker. I don't know if it still exists, but it was a competent seller.
Moreover, he repaired it some years later, after the warranty was gone (no expenses).
Following pix of my installation

Big format prospekt

Small Blaupunkt catalogue

Original accessories Katalog ( something every E9 owner should have as a "time-stood-still" reflect of the mid 70ies'.) Can not resist to show it all !.

...tool-kit with the red screwdrivers !!

and the blaupunkt for Tom.. tried to get it right--Hope you speak german..

All this confirming what you said with the radio knobs..
Awesome Bamberg! Where did you put the presets? I have a Berlin in a period correct car. A great era for Blaupunkt; the most lovable junk! Thanks for sharing the scans. It is interesting to see the Petris in E12s.
..big format binder.

Taking this opportunity to introduce the big format binder I had for years.
Brochures were issued in the sixties to present cars and general infos about the company. Big size (24 X 32 cms) were released till the end of 70ies.

General info "Ein gang durch das werk"--A walk through the factory- 1600-2800s era.

General info / Bikes and sport success.

..and the forgotten ones ...

Glas V8 3 liters ...who remembers this BMW ?