Craigslist BMW Finds:

Mark, i totally agree with you. back in the day i thought the 6 series was really cool. as time has passed, i still prefer the 2002 to the e21 320i and the e9 coupe to the e24. the only exception to that is the e21 323i ... its a blast to drive. i prefer the e28 ///m5 to the e24 ///m6.

I still like the e24. I just like the pre-1983 versions. The e28 is still my first choice. E21’s are quickly growing on me.
i agree about the e12 based e24's although some of the interior pieces didn't hold up too well in the early models.
You can if you live in a dyslexic world, like me!!! :)

What a gorgeous car... way ahead of its time
You can if you live in a dyslexic world, like me!!! :)

What a gorgeous car... way ahead of its time

Me: “I’m telling you honey, we buy this car for $125K and I will resell it for at least $900K+”

Her: “There is no way that porsche with the ugly back end and purple seats is worth one million dollars”.
How does one prove provenance without the logbook?

Why wouldn’t you have it either? Seems like it would
follow the car. Is it common for them to get lost? I’m not really into auto racing so I have no clue.
I don't understand why a rare $1M+ car would be listed on Craigslist rather than a more proper platform. I go to Craigslist to find a used lawnmower, or other garage sale fodder - not for a "1 of 337" super car. This process doesn't add up to me.
I don't understand why a rare $1M+ car would be listed on Craigslist rather than a more proper platform.

It is interesting to ask why.. Perhaps he doesn't want to pay the auction fees at Bonhams? Rest assured this listing has made the rounds where someone, who could pay for it, may say to themselves, " maybe I don't want to pay the auction fees, either?"
A local Porsche collector had a 959 with very low miles, the pride of his collection. Took it to the gas station to put some fresh gas in it. A little old lady pulled in, hit the wrong pedal and totaled the car. I don't think he ever got over it.
I think my friends would be helping me bury a body after something like that. :eek: