The end is near....SCOTTeVEST's Baby

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really? what is so different about it vs. other similar trim stuff? Just curious. Although I thought the bumpers would be simple too, and they weren't.

most trim on most cars of that vintage were held on with a set of plastic retainers affixed to the car body first, and then the trim is 'snapped' onto those plastic retainers. I've attached a picture of this type of clip. E3's are this way for the upper belt-line trim, for example (also E21, E12, etc). With this approach, there's no installation force squeezing the metal trim to the body, and because the plastic retainers don't move around as they are attached to the body, there simply is NOT a way for the trim to be (a) held tight against the paint and (b) to move as the trim retainers are tightened up. In point of fact, on E3's and 2002s you can often slip piece of very thin piece paper between the polished trim and body because these clips don't force the trim tight against the paint.

FWIW, When these retainer clips are installed on a freshly painted car, they will distort the paint (esp if there are LOTS of coats of paint and the paint hasn't cure for months). You can see these marks if the trim and the retainers are removed. But this is irrelevant because the trim strips cover up any marks that may occur.

As another example: on later 2002's, the lower trim is attached with studs in the trim and plastic nuts, somewhat like the E9 belt-line trim. But on 2002's the body contour and trim are all flat/straight. On an E9, that belt-line trim fits up against a curved panel just above the body "cut-line" This curvature and the nut/stud scheme both contribute to the propensity of the trim to move as it gets pulled tight against the fresh paint. BTW, the use of plastic acorn nuts is nice because you don't have to tighten them down to ensure they won't come loose. That means you can install the lower trim on 2002's less tightly against the body. So, everything on E9 belt line trim is, unfortunately, working against you.

But, as you said, Benny stands behind his work. If he tears the paint, he'll repaint the whole car for free. So, I don't see any reason to beat this dead horse anymore.
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I can’t imagine putting belt line trim in the car without shims. Paul Cain did us all a favor by coming up with the solution. Call Carl Nelson now to order yours. I have 3 cars in for paint and all are getting Paul’s spacers.
really? what is so different about it vs. other similar trim stuff? Just curious. Although I thought the bumpers would be simple too, and they weren't.

Scott, how many cars have you had restored where you were intimately involved (either paying a shop or doing it yourself)? It's those types of experiences where forum members learn "what is so different about it."

Some of this weird E9 sh*t needs to be seen and experienced before it becomes self evident. Again, a good reason why people pay a bit more to ship their cars to guys highly experienced coupe experts like CK, SFDon, Mario in NH, Sven, BMW Pete, etc.

Anyway, I can't wait to see it painted, sanded and buffed out. I'm also curious to see Benny's final solution to front bumper mounting.
You guys rock. I just sent this to Benny. I ordered something from Carl re clips I think but not shims. I will email him now.

Benny, in response to the video update yesterday, getting tons of advice on the belt trim attachment from the experts. I have complete trust in you for this project as I know this is "not your first rodeo," and clearly you have done many vintage cars before, but the forum group of experts believes there is truly something different about e9 belt trim after painting. I asked them to be specific, and they gave this detailed explanation. Let me know your thoughts on this.

To be clear, if doing it right means it takes a little longer, I can wait so we don't have to fix this. My preference is to be on the road on May 15 as agreed, but not if it means you will end up repainting again under warranty.

I will swing by today to check out the progress on clear coat. I am super excited.
I can’t imagine putting belt line trim in the car without shims. Paul Cain did us all a favor by coming up with the solution. Call Carl Nelson now to order yours. I have 3 cars in for paint and all are getting Paul’s spacers.

I ordered this: I assume this is the same thing, right?
Screenshot 2018-05-02 10.03.10.png
Can't believe the day is here! Painted and clear coat done. What do you think?
Short video (less than 4 min),
shot in 4k this time. Some stills as well below.
Buffing needed obviously.
I tried to push Benny on the belt trim issue, but he hadn't read his email yet. The ONLY thing he is worried about in terms of making my May 15 date is getting the wood back. The wood guy is not giving me much information/confirmation on completion. Kind of aggravating.



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curious: if the belt trim is the only concern, wondering if I can do everything else, and drive car, and put that on later?
Uploading more I believe Hi-Rez images here. Trying to upload them in the original format but having issues. It looks pretty good to me but I don’t know these things.

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curious: if the belt trim is the only concern, wondering if I can do everything else, and drive car, and put that on later?
yes, as long as you don't install any of the interior (window bits etc).

BTW, seeing it a shiny I'm about to reverse my position and say start without the front bumper. It would give the front a very Vader-ish look. If your rear center panel and bumper were matt black (try some cheap vinyl wrap) it'd be truly wicked.
What’s the interior Scott, have you got to do much with that or is she good to go?
I am having the woodwork re-done. The carpet has been re-done several years ago. The seats are generally fine and they get a bit of abuse because I bring my dogs with me and some of the door panels need to be addressed. Generally it looks OK. The headliner looks good. But nothing as good as the Exterior. I will address this probably next year I suppose.
yes, as long as you don't install any of the interior (window bits etc).

BTW, seeing it a shiny I'm about to reverse my position and say start without the front bumper. It would give the front a very Vader-ish look. If your rear center panel and bumper were matt black (try some cheap vinyl wrap) it'd be truly wicked.
Not sure I understand what you mean in terms of installing any of the of the interior window bits etc. the front bumper is going to be a big dilemma for me as I agree with you but hopefully it will be super easy to take on and off myself.
Scott, you won’t be able to install your belt trim at the rear if you install your rear windows and possibly the doors as well with the glass and all the rest, motors, lifters ect. Best thing would be to let it bake in the sun for a couple of days.
After painting mine I left it for a good week or so while I got on with a million other jobs, you would hate to damage that brand new paint.... and I like the sound of the Vader look too it would look mean.

Cheers John
what did the front bumper mount slots end up looking like? Stock or removable panels
Not sure I understand what you mean in terms of installing any of the of the interior window bits etc. the front bumper is going to be a big dilemma for me as I agree with you but hopefully it will be super easy to take on and off myself.
Installing the belt line trim is best done with the rear window guts out of the car (as well as the rear seat out).
However, you can install this trim with all the windows in the car (I helped a bit with Stan's trim install). It's just a PITA. So, yes you can drive it around without the trim. And you can fully install the interior if you don't mind removing it later when your trim is installed.

Your best bet right now, IMHO, is to use the spacers and let Benny apply his best judgement on avoiding damaging the paint. It's his paint job and his guys installing the trim, so he's going to be as careful as anyone.
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