The Vintage Asheville/Hot Springs NC 2021 Who's going? May 20-22. Postponed to Sept 16-18

Still on for The Vintage???
BIG E9 presence expected. 20+ cars.
I have arranged for us to park together. Really!

Get a hotel room soon. Host hotel sold out for more than a year.
You will not be disappointed, unless it rains of course. Which it usually does in May but maybe not in September?
Please tell friends that are not on forum or other social media.
The Vintage is on FB and I will post reminders there, when we get closer.
I recently saw an older member at The Foundation in NC and told them.

Be there or rust will attack you car, we'll guess that probably already happened. :) ==[][]==

Here's photo from 18.


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I had some clients share that SC is a very hot covid spot right now. They were much further south than where we'll be in Asheville. But given this event was canceled once (in arguably no worse circumstances) does anyone have thoughts on whether this will still be a go? We sure are looking forward to coming down and meeting some folks in person.
I had some clients share that SC is a very hot covid spot right now. They were much further south than where we'll be in Asheville. But given this event was canceled once (in arguably no worse circumstances) does anyone have thoughts on whether this will still be a go? We sure are looking forward to coming down and meeting some folks in person.
Still a go at this moment.
And still planning the trip to be there!
I will be there, and also at O'fest. After a crazy series of cascading problems that finally got resolved (cha-ching), I had a shakedown cruise up to our Buckeye Chapter drivers' school at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course this weekend. (Working the event, not driving.) The car ran flawlessly!

If we could just get folks serious about vaccinations we could beat this thing once and for all. Tell them they're doing it for The Vintage!