What did you do to your E9 today?

Really love your personal license plates!

Here's a picture of me:

Changed the gearbox oil and lsd oil, plus a full engine service even tho its done 387 miles since the last one. tomorrow its new gearshift platform, a better quick shift stick (own fabrication) and a new propshaft. So the cars had a fair bit of my time in the last 2 weekends, but the old boys worth it!!
Don't know how this picture could bring any substance in this thread, but I would guess that's a proud picture of you since you're willing to share this for all of us :-)

I couldn't help but make a Moran joke. I've caught a lot of crap about that plate frame since I've had my Coupe from all of my friends.

Installed the Coupe King seat belts and freed up one window regulator. I'll tackle the other one in another weekend.

Don't know how this picture could bring any substance in this thread, but I would guess that's a proud picture of you since you're willing to share this for all of us :-)

O contraire, it is exquisite that Brendon's Sohoro 2800CS has a Moron Motor license frame.

Today I took simple green to the vinyl and sprayed off the dirt/mold/mildew. I did the same to the headliner. I have specialized cleaner to use, but I didn't want to bleach the cloth seats. I'll have to wait on that stuff until the seats are all out. Slow and steady wins this race...

Mostly, I just stare at it and think about what it could be... :)
checked the oil level in anticipation of an early Sat am drive tomorrow. A Friday night ritual.
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replaced front footwell area speakers.
The old ones literally crumbled away in my hands when I took them out.
The old ones are 6" speakers, but now impossible to find 6" speakers that are shallow enough to fit in that tight space, most are actually 6.5" too
In the end went for 4" speaker with custom MDF spacers.
. Tracked down a brake light /turn signal problem. Still don't know what the issue was. Just went around and addressed all of the typical causes. Both work now

. Resolved a failure to close issue with passenger windows.

. Greased window tracks and gears

. Fixed e-brake light problem

. Adjusted rear windows so that they seat properly.

. Cleaned up some overspray

. Wiped down engine bay and trunk.

. Fixed leak at brake fluid reservoir

. Centered steering wheel

. And... Managed to lock my gas cap with a key that turns out to be not correct for the cap. Now I can't unlock it. Fortunately, I have a spare filler neck that I can swap in.

. Drove to the cars and coffee event where I met up with khb.
Picked up the license plate and registration for the '74 I bought in mid-May and registered as soon as I arrived home. Takes the DOT of the state of PA about 3 weeks to get this accomplished.

But, since it is registered as an antique, it has permanent registration/licensing, and no further payment to the state is required as long as I own it. THAT's good!!
Try bending a paperclip into a "V" shape and picking it with that, works on mine.

. Managed to lock my gas cap with a key that turns out to be not correct for the cap. Now I can't unlock it. Fortunately, I have a spare filler neck that I can swap in.
Finished installing all the new FI hardware onto the engine, and cobbled up new throttle linkage prototype, seems to work OK
Start installing the new Megasquirt next week end.
Also half way through remounting the electric cooling fan to get it closer to the radiator.
Changed the oil & filter and while under there I installed the engine under tray I bought from John Renaudon last year. Reviewed the
forum posts on this piece to see how the 2 brackets needed to be fastened to the rear of the tray. Fit was good, no issues with it at all.
Next on my list are replacing the front brake hoses and installing the Lokari fender liners.

Let there be (more) light

Wired the Lucas fog lights. They are brighter than i thought they'd be. Install was a snap as the units were NOS and came with original wires and connectors. I know they aren't what you'd consider period correct for the mark (Hella's would fit the that bill) but i like them regardless. Really dig the finish and black covers. Goes with the overall scheme really well.

IMAG00458 by J_Otte, on Flickr
Wired the Lucas fog lights. They are brighter than i thought they'd be. Install was a snap as the units were NOS and came with original wires and connectors. I know they aren't what you'd consider period correct for the mark (Hella's would fit the that bill) but i like them regardless. Really dig the finish and black covers. Goes with the overall scheme really well.

IMAG00458 by J_Otte, on Flickr

Fogs look nice, I really like your headlight wipers. I've only seen them on Luis Arisso's Golf CS.