What did you do to your E9 today?

Tom- go to www.Cocomats.com. 1-800-461-3533. They have them in several colors for our cars. If you have that wedge-shaped foam under your carpet where you rest your left foot, then ask them for the pattern with my name,Drew Gregg, or initials DG. I made a template to have them made to fit correctly. If you don't have the foam wedge, ask them for the Doug McKenzie pattern. Doug bought his set years ago. They can send you both patterns so you can see how they fit in your car. The pic below is the first pattern made to fit w/o the foam. I then made a pattern to have the left edge of the matt fit straight up against the sidewall since that foam is under my carpet. Drew
by foam, you mean the foam that came with the car? and on the right side, that foam also in place?
While the wife is away I get to use the kitchen table to replace the rubber on the driver’s door chrome, both the sweep for the glass and the thin U channel on the underside. Always use a bit of Wurth glue to hold the U channel, the wind will peel it back otherwise. And use lots of rubber lube for the sweep and force it into the channel starting at one end. So nice having a clean workbench, I mean table, to work on.

While the wife is away I get to use the kitchen table to replace the rubber on the driver’s door chrome, both the sweep for the glass and the thin U channel on the underside. Always use a bit of Wurth glue to hold the U channel, the wind will peel it back otherwise. And use lots of rubber lube for the sweep and force it into the channel starting at one end. So nice having a clean workbench, I mean table, to work on.

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But I see you put a nice pad down to protect the surface (and yourself)
Tom--I found a pic of the correct pattern matt in my car. Note how the left edge of the matt is up against the side of the left wall.---Drew


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by foam, you mean the foam that came with the car? and on the right side, that foam also in place?
Yes--The wedge piece of foam that's under the carpet. The passenger matt seems to fit w/o problems using the template they have on file. I assume that foam is on the passenger side also. I never pulled the carpet back on either side of my car.
Yes--The wedge piece of foam that's under the carpet. The passenger matt seems to fit w/o problems using the template they have on file. I assume that foam is on the passenger side also. I never pulled the carpet back on either side of my car.
Very good. Yes I see that. Thanks a lot!
While the wife is away I get to use the kitchen table to replace the rubber on the driver’s door chrome, both the sweep for the glass and the thin U channel on the underside. Always use a bit of Wurth glue to hold the U channel, the wind will peel it back otherwise. And use lots of rubber lube for the sweep and force it into the channel starting at one end. So nice having a clean workbench, I mean table, to work on.

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Whoa, Chris I sincerely hope she doesn't check in on the Forum to see what's going on! Then again, I guess that is why she is away! ;)
While the wife is away I get to use the kitchen table to replace the rubber on the driver’s door chrome, both the sweep for the glass and the thin U channel on the underside. Always use a bit of Wurth glue to hold the U channel, the wind will peel it back otherwise. And use lots of rubber lube for the sweep and force it into the channel starting at one end. So nice having a clean workbench, I mean table, to work on.

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Wouldn't this have been a lot easier if you had used a red-handled screwdriver????
Raised CSL on to jackstands. Sitting in winter storage for months created issues with fuel delivery.
There is a leak in, or somewhere around, the fuel pump.
Installed the chrome hood and fender grills that I bought from W&N. They look marvelous on a dark colored coupe! Cleaned and waxed everything in preparation for a car show on Sunday.

I dug through boxes of spare parts and found the black stickers that go under the fender grills that I bought 35 years ago. The stickers needed to be trimmed a little before installation. Getting the push-on fasteners for the fender grills in place was a little painful. I also found 35 year old screws and nylon washers for the hood grills. The screws from W&N were a little different than the ones from BMW. I really should inventory all of the little parts that I bought when I first started working on the coupe.

I bought black hood and fender grills from the local BMW dealer 35 years ago because the chrome ones were no longer available. I planned to get aluminum sputtered on them, but never did. I will post the original black grills on the parts forum.
I was fortunate to see HB Chris’ Coupe this weekend and it’s very impressive! Great job Chris!
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I too am a convert to chrome on dark colors.

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Hi Chris,
Chrome looks great on Malaga, ask me how I know!
I would keep one thing in mind that the braces (?) would look better in black. I found an NOS side grill, years ago and it had the black braces. From the side looking at the car and just seeing the four only horizontal slats, to me looks great.


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infact, the very early fender grills’ horizontal ‘slats’ were black and the lateral ones were chrome and or Matt chrome.
I came across this shop that still sells the older type. The hood grills also had Matt slats to match...



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infact, the very early fender grills’ horizontal ‘slats’ were black and the lateral ones were chrome and or Matt chrome.
I came across this shop that still sells the older type. The hood grills also had Matt slats to match...

That is true, and at one point I was going route. I also have an NOS mat chrome hood grills.