What did you do to your E9 today?

Last weekend I put the car on a lift to replace the blue brake and clutch reservoir hoses with new ones. These look good but are not the right size, however if you hit the end with a heat gun to soften it up a little and lube the plastic inserts with a touch of brake fluid they will go on. This led to:

-new slave cylinder which crapped its guts during bleeding. While waiting for the part I went on to:

-fabricate a new rear exhaust hanger I noticed was failing

-loosened all the exhaust system connections so I could manipulate the rear muffler back level, hanging low at one end has been bothering me for years

-jb weld some holes and repaint said exhaust system with por15 hi temp paint

-touched up peeling paint on driveshaft

-touched up peeling undercoating

-noticed my ac compressor bracket was just touching the sway bar so I took that all apart and ground down some pieces to make clearance

-touched up paint on front suspension components

-cleaned the calipers

-fixed curb rash and repainted my rims (3 day job “while they’re off the car for brake bleeding”)

Moral of the story: don’t change your brake reservoir hoses!
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I put gas in it on a 150 mile drive up and down the Columbia River.

This was made possible by replacing the ignition system (an ancient version of Crane's XR700 I think) with a Pertronix ignitor.

Night and day. Really. Like it's a completely different car now. Whee!

What a great day it was for a drive.
Hi there
She looks really clean !
What exhaust system do you have , it looks custom made and really nice !
I see you have an exhaust gas sensor fitted , so what is under the hood ?
And is the other shield to protect the fuel lines or something ?
Thanks, Barry.
Custom stainless steel exhaust, two 2.5” round pipes from the m88 engine (repower) go into a 3” oval pipe, then into 3” round to the muffler and to exit.

The other shield covers the fuel filter and rear brake bias valve.
Painted the sunroof trim that was painted silver by the paint guy ‘cause I was too lazy to remove it or cover it with tape.


I fixed a nagging shifter issue where I was having great difficulty getting it into first and occasionally second. I bought new parts and went to Rey’s and put it on a lift. A bolt on driver side had fallen out holding the platform bushing to the trans, five minute fix! I guess it took 16 years to loosen up.
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Took a Weber parts inventory, discovered that some tiny bits had been 'omitted' at last Spring's tuning session, doh ?!
(We got distracted after smashing my thumb in the door that day)

We laughed. Too funny ...so I put them in. And I thought it was flying before....oh my! ;)
Took a Weber parts inventory, discovered that some tiny bits had been 'omitted' at last Spring's tuning session, doh ?!
(We got distracted after smashing my thumb in the door that day)

We laughed. Too funny ...so I put them in. And I thought it was flying before....oh my! ;)
What was omitted?
View attachment 128247Didn’t do any work on my car , but had a chance to see this 2800 at the BMWCCA foundation.

Inspiration for the weekend.

Parker Spooner's coupe. Don't know his whole story, just that he was one of the founding members of CCA. Maybe the president or editor of Roundel, maybe both. Chris or Stan probably know his details. Lonnie and Lou Ann Shirk owned it for a few years. There's a Parker Spooner Award every year at OctoberFest awarded to an E9. Mine won in 2016, it was a very pleasant surprise.
Parker Spooner-Michael Izor-Lonny & Lou Ann Shirk Coupe. Was donated to The Foundation in 2020. This & Take Rachlin's 1974 2002Tii are the two most significant cars to the history of the BMW CCA. Athena & I won The Parker Spooner & Best of Show in 2017 at O'Fest in New Orleans LA.
Managed to not avoid a section of steel highway guard rail cable which bounced off a couple of cars before slapping my front air dam. Happened at “highway” speed and made a God awful noise. Thankfully, no damage to painted car surfaces, but the air dam will need minor repair, a repaint and another protective film.