What did you do to your E9 today?

Managed to not avoid a section of steel highway guard rail cable which bounced off a couple of cars before slapping my front air dam. Happened at “highway” speed and made a God awful noise. Thankfully, no damage to painted car surfaces, but the air dam will need minor repair, a repaint and another protective film.
And thankfully it didn’t come through the windshield and hit you!
Had to refill the tank after returning from the vintage in Saratoga, it was a great ride both ways lots of good foliage.
@thehackmechanic , I spread my registration stickers out.


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I fitted a rubber boot , console leather boot next


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So sorry to hear about your friend. Hope he is ok. If the car is totaled, I know of a very fine Ceylon CS that is currently available from a highly reputable owner.
Carl’s coupe needs to be very affordable as I saw it before the repairs.
after much more testing the webers on the Porsche 928 i found better results with enlarging the 36 mm venturis to 38 mm.
As that is the same 580 cc/cilinder and both go 6000 rpm.... i will do it also on the triple set on the 3.5 l. Also still the stock 36 mm venturis in the 45DCOE.
Running now "rich" , 10 % bigger venturis will decrease the fueling effect ... can start with the same jets. ( 155 main,180 AC )


Added big panoramic mirror over the stock mirror so I could see stuff.

The fake Talbot mirror, mounted on the chrome trim, not drilled into the door ( those holes were welded/filled over), really doesn’t show much behind you.
Drove 250 miles from HB to Pismo Beach through Malibu with 20 other vintage BMWs, tomorrow we head to Carmel with rain in the forecast. Our coupes are not made of sugar! Third night in Paso Robles, enjoying lots of good wine, GSMs and Mourvedres.
I drove 220 miles south from SF Bay Area to join Chris and friends for dinner and two great days of driving. I didn’t bring my coupe because the drive back north is forecast to be in a huge storm. Unlike Chris, I am afraid my unrestored coupe might be a pile of rust Monday morning. That is if I managed to get back safely on a freeway clogged with crazy drivers in their first real rain since spring. The food, wine and conversations are already great. Thanks to Chris for organizing it.
Drove my Taiga CSL for the first time in a couple of months to check on Jabberjaw. It’s actually getting close! The Taiga started right up and the drive is so fun. It’s a great car. I’m excited to drive Jabberjaw finally after about 2 years and In the 4-5 years before that I didn’t drive it much. Was always trying to get it to where that car deserved to be. Thx Don for all your help and many others fir the advice over the years! I’m glad I decided to take the interior back to a more stock look yet still with a lot of custom touches. More details and detailed pics when completely back together.

One cool detail was when I had the wood slat to the far right sent back to Madera Concepts to make a custom curve to accept the map light. I never liked how it didn’t lay flat. The map light in Taiga is just a bit shorter and doesn’t have this problem.
