What did you do to your E9 today?

Jump started it to use this morning as the battery was flat, pumped the tyres up then somthing happened in england which is a very rare occurrence. .........it rained!
So it went back into the garage.
Got up before dawn and drove the twisty River Road along the Mississippi to Baton Rouge for the Eurofest show, and she brought home the bacon in the Preservation Class ;-) Lots of comments like "these are really going up in value now, huh?" At least they seem to get more respect these days.


congratulations steve
Learned that my clutch and flywheel are shot and need to be replaced. Also the slave cylinder is leaking. Good news is my driveshaft is good. My car is in the trusted hands of VSR. 5-speed swap is going well.
On "Magnus" I learned that if you don't properly ground the A/C switch you will keep blowing fuses and fret immensely because the A/C systems tend to be very expensive (and difficult) to repair. Since I had my new gauges grounded to the same spot it also answered the question as to why they were not working correctly. Whenever I touch anything electrical on these cars I feel like I arrived at a gunfight with a hammer.
Giant mousetrap

Today I'm picking up the new hood support and sound deadening foam for the hood. I lost my laptop with bookmarks for DQ's project on this but I think a quick search should keep me safe from the frustration of doing this totally solo. Keep your fingers crossed for me
Looks like you can Play Badminton there while visiting. That would be my ultimate hangout.
Arde, what were the "few other things" ? She sounds awesome!

- For a good ground we installed the straps that Luis sent. The bottom one we removed was silver, probably original or at least there since the nineties.
- Spark plugs, synched and adjusted the Webers. Did not touch cold idle.
- Valve clearances, valve cover gasket.
- Steering wheel aligned with the wheels at the tie rods (the coarse spline is useless for fixing that by rotating the steering wheel).
- Brake fluid being bled again this time manually as the pedal is spongy
- Tire rotation removed a vibration at speed, front tires probably not happy with the car sitting for weeks sometimes.


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Thanks Arde, I thought maybe you found the big red button that said "idle perfectly". Mine is doing OK but I'm going to re check all the grounds, check the plugs, cap and rotor and if I don't get what I'm looking for I'll continue to search for that button!
Recently repainted the air filter housing, and after installing it, my OCD went into over drive. Degreased the engine bay as best as I could.

Need to paint the power steering reservoir cap, and I'm going to glass bead blast the valve cover next time I have it off when I adjust the valves.


After getting decades of gunk off the fender, which went up to the bottom of the red label:

I can now sleep at night:
