What did you do to your E9 today?

That is an interesting alignment tool there Patton , I presume that you adjust untill you have the same measurement at the front and rear of the tire?
That is an interesting alignment tool there Patton , I presume that you adjust untill you have the same measurement at the front and rear of the tire?

Or set to 1/8” toe out in the front: no toe in the rear.

I’ve done adjustable control arms in the rear on many race BMW e30s. They are a pain to adjust. On the e9 I replaced the rear bushings with factory, non-eccentrics units and discovered the factory guys were pretty smart (or I was lucky): the toe was zero.


Doors were aligned with the car on the lift.

When it was on the ground, stuff flexed and the doors would not close.

So, $300 later (again) with the alignment guy and it is lined up correctly.

That is why this car is called “two step.”

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Had an exhaust leak so dropped the muffler to replace the crushable ring between down pipes and center resonator. I have two identical rings, not like Don and others have experienced where one ring is crushable and the other is solid. Maybe one of my down pipes have the bell flare at the end cut off? Anyway, I hate this job, lying on your back, trying to get enough leverage, etc. I found out one down pipe was loose at the manifold and it was leaking too! Another horrible task especially since two of the studs came out with the nuts attached. But at least I finally installed a muffler hanger I had from the trans to the pipes.
Part number for the solid ring if you need one, mine did not. It requires one down pipe and the resonator to have flared ends, the other one does not and uses the crushable ring.
Yuk. I hate working in physically difficult and painful situations. Really not enjoyable.
Do you have any kind of lift besides jack stands? I keep lusting after a set of QuickJacks but always end up not pulling the trigger for yet another $1,000+ down the rabbit hole.

Dropped coco-mat over the factory panels.

The polished aluminum hold-down panels were added to keep the taillight cover in place, but the idea for the panels came from Wayne and Amy who used polished aluminum pieces to reinforce the fragile plastic that holds the toolkit to the trunk lid.

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Or set to 1/8” toe out in the front: no toe in the rear.

I’ve done adjustable control arms in the rear on many race BMW e30s. They are a pain to adjust. On the e9 I replaced the rear bushings with factory, non-eccentrics units and discovered the factory guys were pretty smart (or I was lucky): the toe was zero.

Reminds of Formula V days prepping