First drive of Spring. Been working on a few things over the last couple days with friends and advice from fellow members really helped. In particular I'd like to thank Mr. Macha...answering semi-late night texts with exceptional insights and his technical expertise as we all know is second to none along with a couple local buddies not on the board. Group effort for sure.
My wife and local CCA President joined me on the drive, nice to have in case the "air out drive" didn't go well. Still need to fine tune the carbs a bit; it was expected. Back to one of my favorite drives through Idaho to a little town in WA called Rockford. One flashing red like intersection town. Friendly locals and even the old lady's in there at Fredneck's got off their stools to comment on the car. Check out the mascot on the sign, classic! It is crazy how much attention from all walks of life that check out the E9 out here. Even the local President of the Rotary club stopped in to tell me about their "famous" car show coming up. Cowboy hat and all. For most, I truly think it is the first time ever seeing an E9 in the wild.
May not be able to tell but new H1/H4's, passenger seat belt working again just cleaning the belt so the ratchet gripped it again and added the triangle guides, put on a refurbished valve cover I had from the Bavaria while the one on there gets redone soon (should have taken a pic), and just some other wiring and re-routing of new hoses, new battery, etc.
First 70 degree day this year...for here that is shorts weather and windows down! Decided this is going to be my daily (weather permitting) until Winter storage so really looking forward to that!