5 speed shift linkage bushing replacement

Anybody need a couple of these bushings? I found a place to order them but the minimum order is $20

UUC has the DSSR on sale at 20% off right now. Not a bad deal if you are going SSK.
when i see the innovative processes we go to keep our units in tip top shape
i always wear ll bean mocs yet thev'e gone up to 120.00
so i grapped some left over elephant skin and weatherstriped it to the soles as they wear out all the time
Anybody need a couple of these bushings? I found a place to order them but the minimum order is $20
Mark, I would be in for pair as I plan to take some slip out of my 5spd linkage. I assume you would distribute via USPS .

Mark, I would be in for pair as I plan to take some slip out of my 5spd linkage. I assume you would distribute via USPS .

John, I am sending you a PM, they will fit in a small box so can ship USPS First Rate, which is cheap
Anybody need a couple of these bushings? I found a place to order them but the minimum order is $20

Mark, I’d like a set
Thanks Gary
In preparation for my Getrag 5 speed install I have been preparing the short throw shift linkage and was not satisfied with the crappy plastic bushings that came in the new rod joint or the used 320i lever. BMW does not sell replacements for these. So I measured the size of the bores and it is 10mm ID x 13mm OD x 20mm long. A quick search yielded a most excellent company that sells the exact fit bronze bushing.

The plastic one was removed from the shift lever, there are grooves in there but the bush is tight so no adhesive needed. I Dremel'd the inside with a wire brush to clean and smooth it out:

Then I tapped it into the lever, it overhangs about a mm on each side (where the original flange would be) and is not quite as tight in the 144mm dog bone DSSC linkage piece as I want (nor was the plastic one) so I am fitting two 10mm x 16mm x .25mm shim washers to make it nice and snug. Then I torched the plastic bush out of the new rod joint, there are large grooves inside it so I put some JB Weld in and tapped another bushing into that, it is very snug and won't need washers between it and the dogbone:


That's the old plastic lever bearing in the above pic. Now I have tight, smooth bronze bushings that won't distort over time like plastic or have as much play.


Here is the bearing source:

the wife must be away for you to have all that gear on the kitchen table.
Sorry, ordered a 144mm DSSR, contact Christopher Bethel <[email protected]> to see if they still have them. From my receipt:


Unit price Qty Amount
UUC Double Shear Selector Rod | DSSR-144 | Stock
$129.00 USD

And the thing is so f'ing awesome. Fits and shifts perfecto. Way better than the stock one-sided rod.
I just bought the complete UUC short shift kit for my CS 5 speed. The DSSR had to be custom made to 146.94 mm (147mm sound familiar?) to match the selector rod that was removed from the transm. The attached pic shows the existing selector rod and the longest DSSR they had in stock. They thought it best to have my shop cut and weld the rod to the exact correct length. I preferred to have them make a new DSSR to match my old one,once we had it out of the car. There is also a pic of the shift lever with the all-metal bushing supplied as part of the complete kit. The pins are now secured with locknuts and not clips as back in 2015. My shift lever did not hit the shift surround when in reverse or 5th gear with my existing selector rod. The UUC shift lever has adjustable length points to set up at the driver's preference. The Creative Workshop will do the installation next week.


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Steve said he used a 144, the only 144 they have now is bent
144 to 147 is a pretty small difference
The existing selector rod was measured at 5.785" pin to pin. I just made the conversion of 1"=25.4mm to compare to Steve's measurements. The best way to know what length DSSR to use is to duplicate what is in your own transmission if you like the way your shift lever moves throughout the 5 gears + reverse. Jay at UUC owns several CS and 2002 cars. He wanted his DSSR to match my existing selector rod. I'll post more once I get to drive my car with the complete short shift kit installed.
I have not tired to install them yet so cannot confirm they fit, but they match the specs
here is what I ordered:
AM-1013-20 | Metric Oil Impregnated Sleeve | 10 ID x 13 OD x 20

sku 60112