72 Restomod clubracer build

I had hoped that it would have been done by now , and that we would have already been to the track . My excuse is the car is turning out nicer than I expected so Im taking my time ! That being said its time to finish it up and get out there. I am going to try to make a track day In early Jan . and depending on how that test day goes will determine when I start racing it .

I actually crossed another threshold today , Moved the car under its own power, I Drove it up a the street just to see it move . Hopefully we will be ready for dyno tuning in a few weeks

A young friend of mine ( Pat Hart) studying photography came by and practiced what he has learned

Congratulations on such a great technical re-build, and a beautiful looking race car. Now - ALWAYS keep the shiny side up, and don't change any of the design features while you are on the track!!!

Cheers and good luck at the tracks.
Yes, please send me a 2MB file of that pic for the calendar with the photog's name for the photo credit. e-mail: brunswickfarm at gmail.com

Can you give us your first impressions of the steering. I know that a leisurely drive up and down the street is not what your going for, but I would like to know how the R&P handles low speed; does it feel heavy/need a lot of effort to steer, or is it lighter like a more modern car?



Can you give us your first impressions of the steering. I know that a leisurely drive up and down the street is not what your going for, but I would like to know how the R&P handles low speed; does it feel heavy/need a lot of effort to steer, or is it lighter like a more modern car?



Its really hard to say just yet , forgive me I was really just getting it to move. I had the seat to far back to where I couldn't reach the pedals well , so everything was a hand full . along with the tune being off it was difficult to drive . as soon as I get more of these things hammered out Ill let you guys know how it works out

Its really hard to say just yet , forgive me I was really just getting it to move. I had the seat to far back to where I couldn't reach the pedals well , so everything was a hand full . along with the tune being off it was difficult to drive . as soon as I get more of these things hammered out Ill let you guys know how it works out


I figured my question was premature; just intrigued by the setup and how its going to function. Can't wait 'till you have a better assessment.
If you guys are like me your wondering If Ill ever finish this car . haha. another long Sat. spent working on tedious projects . Got the alt circuit finished and it works, , bolted down the sub floor , installed the mirrors, installed the side windows , and test fit the end links , for the rear swaybars


rear swaybar NASCAR style arm as new, I found them to be lets say quite stout. So we split them in half and lightened them up for the CSL


Finished swaybar arms



installed on the car
Getting close to being ready . at least ready to goto the Dyno to get tuned. We got the ecu set so its ready to get tuned today, along with a few other things taken care of. Finished up the sheet metal in the trunk and put in a vent hose for the fuel cell


made some plates to fill in where the head lts went and some mesh wire for the air intake




inching closer to being ready for the track. started on the front windshield install. 1st we made some support brackets ( as per the rules for lexan )
then trimmed out the gasket to fit with the brackets , and then I wrestled the windshield in



support brackets installed


glued some foam over the contact area with the lexan



laid in the gasket and trimmed out notches for the brackets




My mamma would say "there is Enough Money and Not Enough Money", clearly this is one of those projects for me where there is "not enough money", that being said (thanks mom), I think the more impressive aspect of the build is the "time" involved, and since time is money I definitely fall into the "not enough money" category.

Still waiting for race date :-)
My mamma would say "there is Enough Money and Not Enough Money", clearly this is one of those projects for me where there is "not enough money", that being said (thanks mom), I think the more impressive aspect of the build is the "time" involved, and since time is money I definitely fall into the "not enough money" category.

Still waiting for race date :-)

Luckily I wore my Parents out as a teen ager ( decades ago ) so My Mom is Numb too everything I have done as an adult ! My Dad prefers the car racing to the Bicycling ( cage in the car for protection ) and as long as the bills are paid the Wife is okay .

Race date hopefully soon, Im scrambling to get the car ready for a shakedown in a week , depending on how that goes will determine the race date . Hopefully it wont need much more , Im needing to be done,
