DQ the angle is perfect, the car appears to move forward and the antenna leans back.
exactly, thanks, that is the idea
Only DQ can relish the aesthetics of an antenna without even mentioning if the antenna provides any signal reception. He may not even have a radio in the car, who cares, it looks beautiful.
David the center post of the antenna plug carries the antenna signal, the outer is ground.
Unless I misunderstood the question, the antenna cable inner conductor must connect to the center post. I assume the antenna cable is a coaxial cable, right?
I dont mean to hijack this thread, but I think this is somewhat on topic:
The center wire in my antenna cable is about the width of a human hair. You can just make it out in this photo. I imagine a soldering iron would melt it away. What am I missing here?
Magnifique ,magnificent
Lovely stuff deQuincey, It's all about the details and that looks great. I'm just curious, Is Hirschmann original equipment?
thank you
honestly i do not know, i guess that hirschmann is but i can not tell if this particular model was
i was somehow forced to do something with the existing hole, and i was also limited by what was available in the "market"
i assume that the hole was not in the usual position, i have been told that usually the coupe had the aerial in the front wing, it is reasonable as period correct aerials were much longer, and in the trunk you do not have enough free height
a friend has an original aerial in a 2800cs dated 1969, and it is placed in the front wing and i think it is over 1meter long
but generally speaking i am very happy with what i have now