Raven gets a new nest

Speaking of Craigslist, I have about 288 sf worth of siding left over. I don't plan on storing it, so it will be listed on Craigslist. Would make a great shed or dog house.
The truth is, this always has been and remains a "budget" project. There are dozens of things I wish I had done, or that I "do on every other project I design". Of course, this little garage could have been a lot more amenity rich, and I will no doubt regret many decisions I've made along the way. But the original budget is already far exceeded, and compromises must continue to be made.

As for the openers, I completely agree that they are crazy loud - especially when mechanically attached to the living space. This building is isolated, and I don't care how loud the openers are. :p I already owned the two we installed. The "shop" door will not have an opener. Heck, I only plan to open that door once a millennium. (the day I bring the Raven project in, and the day I lay rubber pulling it out).

Speaking of compromises, while I am making them on the building, I don't plan on making them on the car. There will be no "GC" or subcontractors that I have to disagree with every morning. Only me - if I don't like what I did the day before, I can redo it. :cool:

You are going to frequently have the urge to fire the guy who is working on your car.
Nibbling away at progress. I've pretty much taken over all of the details save for the drywall work - which is going well now. They have two of three joint compound applications completed. Looking good.

I physically installed the heat pump compressor today. Still need to hook it up (waiting for electrician to put the disconnect on).

And I re-installed our door (from the original/old garage). Still waiting for new hardware that matches the house. And I'll paint the jamb in the spring unless we get a stretch or warm weather.
20191130-door no hardware.jpg
So, I pulled a building permit for my 132 square foot chicken house. Built it to withstand a Hurricane, it was approved and the chickens had their Certificate of Occupancy. Knew I was in trouble when the Tax Assessor visited and said "Wow, that's the nicest chicken coop I've ever seen." He was enthralled with it and the 32 resident chickens. The Contractors used to tease me and say any time a bell rang the tax bill went up.

Chicken Coop Sided 01.JPG
Chicken Coop Sided 02.JPG
Chicken House 04.JPG
I've now caught up on your thread. Some of your posts triggered the post-traumatic stress from my own garage addition project. Glad to see you've moved past most of the contracted work. Keep up the great work
btw, can you share more info/photos of the "cabin"?
Anniversary alert - I took delivery of my coupe exactly four years ago today (actually, tonight).
01-coming off trailer.jpg

I had a fun but unimportant goal of bringing the Raven to her new nest today on this anniversary. Unfortunately the "nest" is not ready yet and I will likely wait until spring at this point. That will afford my time to finish the plethora of interior details before another car is in the way. But I thought it was worth a mention in this saga.
Anniversary alert - I took delivery of my coupe exactly four years ago today (actually, tonight).
View attachment 82671

I had a fun but unimportant goal of bringing the Raven to her new nest today on this anniversary. Unfortunately the "nest" is not ready yet and I will likely wait until spring at this point. That will afford my time to finish the plethora of interior details before another car is in the way. But I thought it was worth a mention in this saga.
Stephen, happy anniversary. Think of what the Fifth will look like. Non-coupe related. Those Chickens are living large. The way all animals should live when they are in our charge.
Ramsey, what's the heating bill for the chickens in the winter- or do they just freeze and then you can make stew?

They have 2 250 Watt heat lamps to take the edge off the cold. Also have a heater under their waterer so the water doesn't freeze. Chickens are covered in down so they are well insulated.
Yes, average an egg a day. We are down to 2 hens. Sussex & Brooks.
Are those their names or the breed? I buy my eggs from a local farmer, big, brown, fresh. I asked him how he gets brown eggs? He said brown chickents. Someone told me he was kidding me. True?
Are those their names or the breed? I buy my eggs from a local farmer, big, brown, fresh. I asked him how he gets brown eggs? He said brown chickents. Someone told me he was kidding me. True?

Sussex is a British Heritage breed called a Speckled Sussex. Brooks is a Black Australorp both have brown eggs.
Wondering what the latest is with Raven's New Nest.
I was wondering when it would come back around to the nest - ha ha. Thank you for asking. But there is not a lot to tell. I have released the contractors for all remaining work except for the high bay garage door. This door and track is scheduled to be installed on December 27, although I can't be here that day and I want to be present. So maybe the following week. Else, as you might imagine, I have gotten busy at the studio again so progress is not far from grinding to a halt. :oops:

Here's a shot from just now (apparently I do requests). I've started to prime and paint in order to install the heat pump unit. The unit is installed, wired, and piped. I still need to evacuate the line set and interior coil before charging/releasing the refrigerant and firing it up. It is supposed to get down to 8 degrees tonight, and 13 the following night. My plan is to evacuate on Saturday and hopefully everything will be good to go. I might install some exterior light fixtures while the pump is running, too. The drywall is not perfect, but the guy did a pretty nice job. And my painting is impeccable. I like to paint. :cool:
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