Michael bought his wheel from Hans and I’m pretty sure Hans did all that was doable before he sold it. He is a professional Petri guy. ONLY very superficial ‘dirt’ can be cleaned off but most of the imperfections are below the surface and can’t be removed without scrubbing the top layer and leaving a chrome look underneath.
Therefore, if the Petri isn’t near ‘perfect’ to begin with, there’s not much that can be done in its favor other than a whole repleting as done by Wladek and Markos. That’s a long drawn job and has to be completed with a leather wrap.
Very good 38cm Petri can still be found with patience although not cheap anymore.
I bought a Csl wheel the other day (thanks to Stevehose) and only out of pure luck did it transform into a nice one. Pure good fortune. Not something one can expect nor repeat.
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