Hi Scott, tough to be optimistic about the pricing, 5 years ago I spent 9K on "Paint & Body" and I delivered the car to the shop stripped bare naked, engine compartment and trunk pre-sprayed. If you are very close by and can monitor the progress and quality you may take the chance. I've done 5 of these and I can tell you that 8 hours goes by really quick and you can easily spend 3 hours taking a door apart not to mention putting it back together-correctly, clean, re-grease, re-align, door brake, there's like 400 parts on each door- I think these guys are probably good guys, but the hourly play-by-play is not going to happen.
Wish you were closer to Austin I'd be happy to help you. Personally, I think it's a blast to tear these things down and put them back together but I don't have to do it for a living. If you really get in a jam, we're putting together a body shop down here PM me and we can talk about it. We have lots of vintage BMW's in need of paint so we found a guy who's trying to break away on his own and a friend of mine and I are thinking of backing him but we're in the test phase now- he's shooting the nose on my M3 e36 next week. I'll document it thoroughly.
Thank you. I am not looking for an hourly play-by-play from these guys at all. I have a fixed rate with them subject to anything new coming up that was unforeseen. For the price you mentioned above I would’ve driven to you to have the car done there. I’m always looking for a road trip.
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