What did you do to your E9 today?

Reinstalled exhaust system with 3 stainless steel baffles ( you can see two of the oval ones where the pipe bulges).

It didn’t do much to cut the noise level: $600 wasted.
Had help with tuning this past weekend.
I think it is about 80%.Here is a picture in front of my office.
Nice sunny, hot day.

However in typical one step forward, two steps back fashion, the headliner delaminated and will need to be redone.

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Drove car. Parked in shop parking lot. Went to put car into the shop and “pop.”
Clutch pedal linkage breaks. Used starter (with the car in gear, coil wire removed) to drive it into the shop.

Great fun.

Loaded up and dropped It off to have headliner installEd…


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After a year absence I brought my baby home. She was at an auto shop that was slowly working on my car’s 3.5 engine and auto to 5sp transmission swap. I had to move my car due from my home’s garage after my home sold quicker than I could find a home and when we did we kept getting outbid on the homes.

While the Shop was not the ideal place for my E9, I did get half the job done. The engine and transmission are in the car but it all needs to be wired for the E9 coupe Along with installing all the transmission and gear shift parts. I am going to need to find someone in the DMV to help me wire the engine and ECU to the E9 And help me complete the job. Even though the car is not running,
I am just glad to have my car back.
Changed the oil in prep for a rally next Sat. Made a new 2/0 chassis to engine block ground cable. Ran another ground cable from battery negative to fuel pump relay ground tab by the ecu and then ran a new woven strand ground from ground wire bunch on the plenun triangle support to the firewall. Seemed to be running much happier at full throttle with no hesitancy. FINALLY, running good again!20220703_173037.jpg20220703_165435.jpg
Thanks Eric.

Those front yellow plates are well reinforced from underneath and I just missed it on the back arm.

Back pinches still look good when the arms are removed.

I remember reading that nothing in the steering linkages should be welded because uneven heating can cause a reduction in the strength of the metal resulting in brittle failure. That might have been an issue here even though the break is some distance from the welds.
Given the clutch pedal arm itself was welded, I wonder if the connection from the pedal to the master cylinder may have been binding rather than turning freely. That would cause a torque on the ring-to-rod connection right where it failed. Just thinking out loud.
I spent most of Thursday afternoon and Friday cleaning and polishing so it would look good at the BMW CCA Cars & Coffee on Sunday. I painted the front fenders when I replaced them 40+ years ago, and it doesn't look too bad. I was surprised to be the only CS there, but there was a 635CSi. The BMW CCA Show & Shine in Narragansett, RI is on August, 7. There are usually more coupes at that event.
