What did you do to your E9 today?

Went up to 8000ft in the Sierras on Father's Day with son for another motor break-in run. Yep, there's still snow around and we had to 'turn back' do to the snow drifts. The new/rebuilt carb'd motor running great and didn't really flinch at the altitude. Very pleased so far.

Happy belated Father's Day to ya'll!


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    Essex E9 at 8kft.jpeg
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Decided to remove the K&N filters and put the stock air filter that came with the car on.
But first I needed to refinish the air filter and put in the Weber adapters.
Only driven it a bit, but pretty happy with it so far.
Anyone have strong feelings about important is the hose that connects the air filter to the vent?
And of course keeping the K&N filters so I can put them back on if I want.


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My odometer had 3700 miles on the Korman engine in the 13 years (2005 to 2018) by the PO in Mauii. I have driven 15K miles in 4 years. I wonder how many miles are on the 50-year-old chassis...
Decided to remove the K&N filters and put the stock air filter that came with the car on.
But first I needed to refinish the air filter and put in the Weber adapters.
Only driven it a bit, but pretty happy with it so far.
Anyone have strong feelings about important is the hose that connects the air filter to the vent?
And of course keeping the K&N filters so I can put them back on if I want.
You will get a bit cooler air which is usually good. Still available I think.
hose that connects the air filter to the vent?
It is totally unimportant to the running of the car. Some run a hose down to the bottom of the engine bay. Iv’e kept mine connected to the filter housing. The only thing I would not recommend is putting a mini filter on the. c, as over time the crank case emissions will dirty up your engine bay.
Took my 6 out after 3 weeks of sitting. Battery was still up. Drove it about 30 miles for more break in miles and so I can feel more secure driving it, and also so I can get it on a dyno and see if my mods were worth it. Chris Kohler is great. He took my car in for over a year and a half and found what ever wasn't right after a total nut and bolt The ride was a pure bitch as the A/C isn't in yet and it was about 108 out. But, when it gets to about 2500rpm and gets on the 284 cam, it feels very strong and makes me grin
Get a new hose, they are made of paper. Please don’t use plastic dryer hose! :cool:
I'm curious, mainly because I think that paper "hose" is the jankiest part on the entire car, but what is it about the plastic dryer hose that you object to?

While I agree that a plastic dryer hose is not the best replacement, is it the engine heat, or some other condition in the engine bay (or is it the overall jankiness of the dryer hose...}?
The original hose a reinforced corrugated paper and will last quite a long time. Every time I see dryer hose it does not fit well and just looks cheap to me anyway.
Decided to remove the K&N filters and put the stock air filter that came with the car on.
But first I needed to refinish the air filter and put in the Weber adapters.
Only driven it a bit, but pretty happy with it so far.
Anyone have strong feelings about important is the hose that connects the air filter to the vent?
And of course keeping the K&N filters so I can put them back on if I want.
I went to a Bavarian Auto Sport event in NH (back about 25 years ago when It was still in business) and was sold some K&N filters by their rep there. At the time I had some comparable filters from JCWhitney (remember them?) on my 3.5 liter engine. I didn’t notice any difference, so early one Sunday morning I took it out on a long flat stretch of I-95 just south of Gardiner Maine and did some 60-80mph runs to compare. Eight runs in both directions with both set-ups. The data showed the JCWhitney filters were faster (no data on the particulate filtration), so I sent the K&Ns back to BAS for a refund. (BTW, these are not the only parts from JCW on my car, but you’ll never find them and my car will never be on BAT for the nit-pickers to critique!).

Thinking about it over the years (36 since I first got the car) I switched back to a stock air filter assembly with paper air filters with the hose drawing the air from the front of the car. My logic was that the engine would produce more power with the cold air drawn by the stock set-up vs the K&N like filters drawing the hot air from the engine compartment.

Too bad I can‘t an A-B comparison on the air filter assemblies now, as back then I had 32/36 Webers, and now I have 38/38s.
I'm curious, mainly because I think that paper "hose" is the jankiest part on the entire car, but what is it about the plastic dryer hose that you object to?

While I agree that a plastic dryer hose is not the best replacement, is it the engine heat, or some other condition in the engine bay (or is it the overall jankiness of the dryer hose...}?
Another possibility instead of the correct air cleaner hose, use the '02 accordion style rubber air cleaner hose.
Locked my keys inside my Coupe. :( Just as I was closing my driver door, I felt something was not right....slam! Yes I could see my keys still in ignition. Dam! I had left my vent window open and thought I could just reach in and pull up on handle inside door. Nope, need a child size arm with the small gap that was available. Then I saw an auto parts store close by and assumed they would be sympathetic. I just needed an old, original, thick, coat hanger and I could be free. Their suggestion was to call a tow truck. Back at my car I realized my trunk was unlocked. Opened up and felt like MacGyver scanning what was available to liberate my car. There it was, a genuine BMW Keilriemen! Managed to lower it inside vent window, and hook onto inner door handle...and success! Lesson : always pack original parts, and leave trunk unlocked, and leave vent window open some, then you can do this too! Better yet, just remember your key!;) BTW, the drive was fabulous, did not even care about locking my key inside, these cars are so fun!