4310316 begins

...We'll swap the coupe and the NSX back and forth and I still have my new rusty turd project to mess with. The topic of ICE cars not allowed in CA has come up in our conversations too. It sucks, but has kinda motivated me to try and enjoy the cars more.
Honda/Acura NSX ??!!!
I continue to beat a dead horse
This hasn't had any impact in the previous 100-300 times its been stated by varied knowledgeable parties so I'm sanguine it won't have any impact on the decision making process now. If there's any "knowledge transfer" occurring in this lengthy missive its that we as forum members must "learn" Alan will do what ever strikes his fancy on any given week......
Cue - Frank Sinatra's "My way"
Alan, please just go for a running, stock B35 and be done with it, don't go down the same rabbit hole you just crawled out of.
so i know everyone is completely tired of my back and forth with the motor options.
THIS IS THE HARD SOLUTION -the s38 is down the road it has been sold and
the money is in my pocket so to say
now i have an offer for a b34m30 from a 635csi for 500.00
i surely dont mind building my own motor again as ive done scores of them
i have easy access to a machine shop very close by with immediate turn around,
so this is what im going to go
there is no way im going to put a used engine in the car and have tappet of rods tapping
and have it blow up in two years. this engine going in will last forever as my daughter will just putter it around san diego
so i buy a documented rebuilt unit or do one myself
and the latter is by far the least expensive.
the head included is from a 87 635 so should do just fine.
if i was to go with grasin;s idea how can i guarentee a dependable motot
that has been my concern all along everything in the car is new so it makes no since to put in a
used engine with no guarantee it will even last a year or two
comment on
so if i was to put my orig back in it needs a complete rebuild also as it was knocking and smokin
ie the reason i pulled it to start with, so to go thru it would be the same as any other unit with
no additional hp - if i was to redo it the only option is to bore it to 3.3 .
and and a better head -so im still back at square one with the options.
Alan, for what it's worth, I put a used B35 with Motronic 1.3 (so the stock setup) in my coupe, from a 7-series. After checking compression and leakdown, I have been running it for ~15 years with no major problems to speak of. It did start to smoke a bit last year, I think the valve stem seals got a bit dried out and worn based on the smoking conditions. I used some of this stuff (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPL8WY8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) based on the feedback from a local indy, and it hasn't smoked since.

Other than that, I have had to do basically nothing to the engine. I did some work before putting it in the car, though:
1. New oil pump
2. Replaced all seals and gaskets, except for head gasket and lower timing cover.
3. Replaced timing chain tensioner
4. Replaced ignition wiring, rotor, cap, and coil
5. Replaced crank position sensor
6. Replaced idle air actuator
7. Replaced water pump
8. Replaced alternator with a later internally-regulated unit
9. New belts
10. Adjusted the valves

So I didn't touch the combustion-interfacing bits at all, since those are generally solid, and my compression/leakdown were good. Based on my experience, you don't need to rebuild the engine unless you really want to. Granted, that's a giant sample size of one, but that's all I've got to go on.
I will not question the wisdom of used vs. rebuilt, after all sometimes the journey is the reward.

The hard question is whether the rebuild of the M30 engine goes on this thread or a different thread than 4310316 begins.

Should a thread use the VIN of the car in question or the VIN of the engine? Moderators, please rule here and set some precedent as we are in uncharted waters!
I will not question the wisdom of used vs. rebuilt, after all sometimes the journey is the reward.

The hard question is whether the rebuild of the M30 engine goes on this thread or a different thread than 4310316 begins.

Should a thread use the VIN of the car in question or the VIN of the engine? Moderators, please rule here and set some precedent as we are in uncharted waters!
I don't think anyone cares at this point.
To paraphrase from that great aficionado of German cars, Winston Churchill.

"Now is not the end of this restoration, or this thread. It is not even the beginning of the end of this thread. But it is, perhaps the end of the beginning.
This is where we are today."

See you in 10 pages' time.
Comment here for posterity…

Alan has been been very nicely asking whether our shop will install a m30b34 engine he is sourcing into his car.

For the record- our shop does not install m30b34 Motronic USA 1.1 engines
We do not use 1 piece 1980’s intakes.

We do:

M30b35 Motronic 1.3
M90 Megasquirt
M30b34 Euro engines with Megasquirt

All our installs are meant to look as closely as possible to a Csi factory engine.

We sincerely hope that Alan can find a shop that will fit his needs.
so looks like i need to sourse out one of the noted engines above to get some professional help with the installation
i surely would be able to this myself -yet it makes a lot of since to me to have someone with all the
experience to get it running and tuned.

going to call them monday to get the details
Scam website Alan .??

Be careful….

Dennis Belk
becare becareful I cannot verify a car that was on this site Was looking for a 1963 Ford Flcon Sprint black Tried to pull up on site tried to register but could not
Like · Reply · 27w

Jacob Headgepath
I've done a bit of digging and after a few emails from them, they are 100% a scam. Multiple red flags and variations with the stories on Facebook and through the multiple websites that are also fake. If I could upload images, I would show multiple instances of proof.
Like · Reply · 1y

Joseph Clese
This website is a scam, everything on there is fake. STAY AWAY.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1y

Ray Nadda
This site is a scam. They are listing cars they don't own not do they have permission to list. If you try to contact them, you get a error message.
so looks like i need to sourse out one of the noted engines above to get some professional help with the installation i surely would be able to this myself -yet it makes a lot of since to me to have someone with all the experience to get it running and tuned.

Don’t base this decision off a sample size of one shop. Im sure there are plenty of shops that would install a low compression B34. I also wouldn’t expect any known shop to immediately be on board simply because the used motor that you sourced is a desirable upgrade.
I would of course suggest you get the M30B35 over an 8:1 M30B34. I think I would rather do whatever is most likely to get the car back on the road but $1k for a B35 vs $500 for a B34 is a no brainer to take the B35. Of course you don’t just need the motor but especially if the B35 comes with a harness and all the parts, you’re ahead of the game.

As someone that has put well over 150k miles on 8:1 B34s, they’re great engines. I just wouldn’t spend $5k rebuilding one. A 3.2 from an ‘83 533 now that’s a motor.
That 3.2 engine is a blast in a coupe. All about the compression and the cam.