Another two hour struggle that ended well, installing the handbrake upgrade. I finally figured out the trick, and yes it involves holding the button down, but that isn’t all. The rod from the button has a hook, facing down, that needs to hook over the ratcheting pawl. The only way to get it back over the pawl if your rod came out as mine did is to use a smaller but long enough bolt or even a thin screwdriver where the mounting bolt and washers go to keep everything in place. (I installed the washers and bearing first and used a small screwdriver) This allows the handle to move forward and the plate with gear/notches inside the handle to move rearward enough to release the pawl by moving the smooth upper side to let the rod slip over it while pushing it in and holding the button down. I taped the button down and used a hose clamp but the rubber handle can slide up so I tightened the clamp a bit more. Then the notched plate slides forward and catches on the tunnel with a small notch. Now you can insert the correct bolt by gently pushing it in while using the screwdriver or thinner bolt to hold the washers in place as you withdraw this bolt. Driver seat is temporary until seats are done.
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I did a similar job on mine recently.
I had to replace my handbrake cables anyway and I wanted to put in the needle bearing upgrade .
When I removed the rubber boot I found a bit of a mess , a previous owner must have lived on a very steep hill or something.
1 of the 2 brackets coming up from the floor to take the cross bolt / pin had previously broken away from the floor.
Then they mig welded it back in place to “fix it “ , it was NOT pretty !!!
In doing so they welded it out of alignment by about 2 or 3 mm so with everything put back together the 2 or 3 mm caused the handbrake lever to no longer follow the center line of the car , but instead it pointed to the left by about 10 or 15 degrees.
Oh yes they fixed that too .
They bent the handbrake lever so that it pointed straight again .
It was one large pile of sh…
I had to walk away from it and make a decision. Keep going and get the job done and never be happy knowing it was bodged or stop progress and do it properly.
So approximately, 5 hours later , the grinder had carefully been put to good use removing the 1980’s “repair” and I tig welded the bracket back on , this time in the correct place and I then put in a M14 cross bolt and nut and also the recommended 2 needle bearings and 4 thrust washers.
So it took longer to do , but I’m definitely happy that it’s done properly now .