Isn't it Andrew W. that has something like 5 sets of staggered E9 rims from various companies? Or maybe it's another E9 noreaster (Stan knows who I'm talking about).
Square wheels, but staggered tires so you can't rotate which is fine I never do.
Scott, just keep what you have. You're overthinking all this.
As far as sway bars, drive on what you have now. Then install the ST setup If you like it, good If not remove them and resell them. Pretty simple
It is a 74 and didn't come stock with them, and it will only make coupe much stiffer.
Don’t do it. Huge waste of money. Heard the joke about how to make a small fortune, right?
I’m taking the bait.... tell me
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wait and see how much I spend once it is over. Any ideas, parts + labor?Still seems like a bargain for the amount of work being done.
can somebody give a pic of those " Camber Plates from Carl" ? i'm wondering what that could be . Or are those the common plates to be welded in the towers as we have ?
If you include cost of:your first goal was 8k... so i guess x 4 .. gives 32k ?
Scott, all mechanical updates are classified as "mods" not restoration![]()
Hey Robert , thanks ! so i assume those are drilled out center , mounting the plate as far as possible to the inside and taking the struts again off center to the inside... any idea of how much gain there is on top ?
we have plates welded in which allow a camber "setting" by sliding the strut and fix it with bolts.